View Full Version : Atacand

16th Jan 2009, 19:03
I have been prescribed Atacand for newly apparent High Blood Pressure.

Are there any side effects and what do medical professionals think about this drug.

Many thanks


Bad medicine
16th Jan 2009, 20:12
All of the side effects will be listed on the patient information in the package, usually along with their relative frequencies.

16th Jan 2009, 20:18
It's an "ACE II (two) Inhibitor," a class of drugs commonly used to treat high blood pressure.

It seems to be tolerated well by most patients, and the evidence for its use is good- (it stops death and illness.)

Its a bit of an unusual choice for first line treatment, usually "ACE inhibitors" would be tried first, changing to "ACE II's" if not tolerated- having said that, it's a reasonable choice.

It's one of a whole host of tablets used to control high blood pressure- there isn't much evidence to say one is more superior than any others, although it's likely you'll have less side effects from this one than others.

Don't be suprised if the doc keeps increasing the dose until optimal bp is reached. And let him know if you feel any different.

More of a general overview here http://www.pprune.org/medical-health/303414-blood-pressure-hypertension-thread.html

post #16

17th Jan 2009, 06:12

Thank you for the informative reply - much appreciated.

Far more useful than the stupid reply from BM. Perhaps he might have wondered why I posted my request. Maybe he might have considered the posssibility that I am in a location where the native language is cryllic and I am in the unfortunate position of being unable to read the patient information in the package.

Again GN many thanks.

Bad medicine
17th Jan 2009, 19:58
Very helpful Fred. Personal abuse isn't tolerated in these forums. My experience is that many patients do not read the patient information, and therefore are not aware that it does contain a wealth of information. To come on a forum such as this and ask what the side effects of a medication are, is a pretty good indicator that you hadn't read it.

Your profile indicates that you are in the UK. I'm not sure how i am supposed to guess that you are in a location where the native language is cryllic and I am in the unfortunate position of being unable to read the patient information in the package. Perhaps you might have mentioned that fact in the original post instead of assuming that everone miraculously knows your circumstances.
