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View Full Version : Combined GPU / tractor

Genghis the Engineer
16th Jan 2009, 09:53
Hopefully an easy question - can anybody point me (if such a beast exists) to a combined GPU/tractor which would allow a medium jet (say BAe-146/ATR sized) to be towed with ground electrical power continuously supplied to it.


16th Jan 2009, 14:05
There are tugs available that do such a thing, the only company name that springs to mind is Douglas. Probably not overly helpful but maybe a good place to start, though not quite sure what happens if you put 'Douglas tugs' into google!

Douglas : Power and Performance with Precision (http://www.douglas-equipment.com) should furnish you with the tug you desire.

And if you want any more tug related puns..........

Genghis the Engineer
16th Jan 2009, 17:50
Many thanks VS, I'll give them a call on Monday. In the meantime, anybody else's inside information gratefully appreciated.


17th Jan 2009, 22:47
Some BLISS-FOX tugs used to have a GPU onboard for this purpose. You may also try there. Unsure if it was a standard fit or an operator installation. ( This was when the company was just FOX btw )

25th Jan 2009, 16:40
Tractor is relatively the easy part as long as the weight is correct to both move and stop the aircraft. The GPU depends on whether you want AC or DC.

There is virtually nothing on the market at present but plenty of used tractors and some GPU's that can be modified to fit. Batteries, for DC only are also a solution.

If Douglas cant help u out, pls come back to [email protected] as we can probably supply a solution based on used kit modified to meet your need.

25th Jan 2009, 17:45
Is this a 'sales pitch' I see before me ?

26th Jan 2009, 23:53
I see someone offering a solution to a problem :ok: