View Full Version : help neded

10th Jan 2009, 10:25
i have an assessment with TC on monday 12th of january, in Gatwick. Anyone going that day??
I had a prob wit my e-mail account and lost all my e-mails, so if anyone can tell me the time and place of the assessment.
Pls, pls ,pls, i'm desperate as the assessment is in 2 days.

Ten West
10th Jan 2009, 10:35
Why not just ring the company and ask them? :confused:

They could be running several different groups at different venues on the same day for all you know. No-one at the company will think any less of you if you call and clarify the details with them. It's only an assessment day after all. They'll have a lot of applicants, many of whom won't make it past the first few hours, so they're not going to remember you as "That girl who lost the email".