View Full Version : Qantas Management vs.An Educated Workforce

5th Jan 2009, 06:39
One of the problems in the Qantas Corporate Structure is an imbalance in Education qualifications: The workforce is generally better educated than management.
Most individuals in management are lucky to have an MBA.Very few have an any tertiary education.This is particulaly true of Cabin Services.
It is difficult to manage employees who are better educated and sharper than the people attempting to manage them.
So the fear and intimidation culture has grown in response to this imbalance.
At best the average supervisor/manager is a parrot adept at repeating what others have said or written.
Very few from the shop floor are given an opportunity to contribute ideas to their work environment.If a suggestion to management is made it is fobbed off but eventually appears 3 months later with a managers name attached to it.
If there was a better level of communication between the two groups Qantas would become a better airline and definitely a better business.
Pigs will **** diamonds before that happens