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30th Dec 2008, 18:02
"Documentary series following the lives of British servicemen and women at Kandahar Airbase". First installment "A Harrier jump jet is scrambled to fight the Taliban; a new squadron of recruits arrives from the UK; and one young female officer finds ways to make the most of life in a war zone."

Series starts Monday 5th Jan at 2100 on Channel 5

30th Dec 2008, 22:23
Always entertaining when Kandahar and War Zone appear in the same sentence.

I believe this is the series where RMP's are interviewed and express complete astonishment that members of the British Armed Forces could be employed within an operational theatre and allow themselves to be seen in daylight wearing.....wait for it.....

'faded combats'.

Its not like people have anything better to do with their time there.

30th Dec 2008, 22:57
Always entertaining when Kandahar and War Zone appear in the same sentence.

Tell that to the families of SAC Graham Livingstone, SAC Gary Thompson and SAC Christopher Bridge.

30th Dec 2008, 23:21
Not getting into this again because:

a. can't be bothered.

b. covered elsewhere.

c. RAF Regiment have the most faded combats on the base.

31st Dec 2008, 12:25
So lets continue...:ugh:

Why not try passing on your view of Kandahar to the familes of three gunners sent back from here, - of which one now is minus a lower leg - and two still in lengthy rehab following an IED strike in recent months. Try telling that to the Candians in Task Force Kandahar who lost 3 guys just last weekend. Try telling that to the other European familes who have had their loved ones/kids flown back in recent months after they were badly injured in IDF attacks.

Frankly, your point of view stinks...and is an immature cheap shot at people critical to successs in AFG; most of all you display ill-considered timing. Best of luck and well done if you have been deployed elsewhere and had it tougher. We'll crack on out here.:D

And, to the point of the original post, I'm looking forward to the documentary - well done to Channel 5 to pick up on a different and non-Helmandshire role that the UK is involved in in AFG. From what I saw, the crew were a top bunch and really engaged in what goes on out here. I think the prospects are good for the series.

31st Dec 2008, 16:37
Very well,

The UK commitment is to Helmand. KAF is a MOB/APOD from which to support operations in Helmand.
There are a few exceptions to this, such as RC South, the BG and ourselves (the IRT/HRF aircraft are TFH assets, the remainder are RC South assets).

However, half of the UK personnel deployed to Afghanistan are employed at KAF, and considerable expense in support infrastructure and manpower.

There are dozens of nations employed at KAF. Yet in addition to the IMP, the RMP and all the foreign MP's, the RAF has 13 provost officers based at KAF. 13!

Some, will be based and move around, such as counter -narcotic blah. But 13 seems a trifle excessive, especially when you consider the pyramid below them.

A base which has enough manpower to deploy personnel outside DFACs to ensure UK forces are dressed correctly is overborne.

We can all look around and see people doing an outstanding job at KAF. Conversely, we can all see fat that could be easily cut at KAF. As far as the public is concerned, the figures given are for fighting troops, such as yourself.

You can agree, or disagree, I really don't care. You spend months guarding the excess, not I.

Flying them to the FOB's is not a problem we have encountered.

31st Dec 2008, 16:47
Anybody see the trailers running over Christmas on Ch 5 for this series? Something along the lines of " young Brits having a party .... just like thousands of other Brits abroad .... only this one is interrupted by the Taliban". I just have a horrible feeling that there may be the odd "PR shot to the foot" moment and one that may backfire (again) on the light blue .....:(

31st Dec 2008, 17:32

I have horrible feeling you may be spot on :( I had the misfortune to be involved first hand and could well find my ugly mug on screen..........god forbid :eek:

Whilst there was some undeniably good footage of us doing airdrop and the like there is also some rather inane stuff that they may use. On my second to last night we were fortunate enough to pick up a nice Thai meal from Kabul which the film crew insisted they record us eating whilst sat in the para door for the transit home.......queue the usual pie eating comments that us Albert crews have worked so hard to engender over the years :ok:

However what that little snap shot will not convey is that

a This was the first hot meal the crew had had in 3 days.

b In my 16 day stint, short timer I know, we only made it to the mess 6 times due to tasking

c I lost 3/4 stone which by all accounts is not an untypical amount

I am sure to Joe Public the series will be pretty good and and will make fairly compelling watching but I have this sneaking feeling us light blue folk are going to be right royally raped by our sister services once this programme comes to air :(

31st Dec 2008, 19:05
and avoids the original question about their uncalled for, ill-considered snipe at those fighting from KAF. :hmm:

Just to correct your belief that Helmand is something different to KAF; i.e. in some way a UK venture outwith NATO... The UK is committed to the NATO ISAF mission. They supply a Bde + sp els to NATO, who in turn hand them off to RC(S), who uses that Bde in Helmand and holds one BG as the reserve. The UK also delivers also on that commitment to NATO by filling a number of key posts at KAF; particularly in COMKAF's Area. Both are commitments to NATO and not anything different. On top of that commitment to NATO, if the UK decides to suport its NATO-assigned troops with national assets it is free to do so; it sounds like you fit in that category... Oh, 13 RAFP Officers? Nah. Two maybe that I know of; and a handful of RAFP NCOs (AT SY/CI etc).

But, hey, that would be me focussing on the smoke screen. :O

1st Jan 2009, 09:53
Seems to me that the goverment could save a shed load of cash here.
As mingun thinks that he can sort out the trouble in Afghan ALL by himself.
His mum must be sooo proud!:ok:

1st Jan 2009, 10:53

Perhaps you may want to pop along and see this chap and tell him that he was not in a War zone.

Clicky Thingy (http://www.birminghampost.net/news/west-midlands-health-news/2008/12/10/selly-oak-hospital-saved-my-life-soldier-tells-prince-charles-65233-22440730/)

1st Jan 2009, 11:26
The comments from Minigun are ill considered at best and insulting to those who have lost friends and relatives at worst. Despite his cynical and often scathing contributions on this site, he would do well to remember who the real opposition is. If you are this cynical or disrespectful of others then perhaps you should reconsider why you continue to be part of the "team"!

1st Jan 2009, 13:54
Perhaps Minigun would do better to remember that KAF is a base from which several units deploy in direct support of the many on-going ops.

Not everything is centred around helos.:mad:

Spare a though for everyone outside your pitiful little universe.

On the filming side, I found the crew to be first-rate altough a little upset when I stopped them taking shots of my crew and aircraft. Apart from that they were well on-side.:ok:

1st Jan 2009, 14:20
Hate to intrude but minigundiplomat made 2 points. I don't agree with his first, but (as a civvie sitting snug and warm here in UK) I did find it surreal that the possibility of RMP's being concerned over the wearing of faded combats. If that topic IS in the series, I do worry about what the priorities are for the guys actually at the sharp end fighting on our behalf not being distracted by concerns about the state of the uniforms.
Happy New Year to all on operations, and make it back safe, please.

1st Jan 2009, 17:59
While I am totally against military bullSh1t whilst on operations, a line in the sand must be drawn between being a professional military organization and a rag tag outfit, especially when in the eyes of our Allies.

The question is though - At what point do we draw the line?

1st Jan 2009, 18:17
The question is though - At what point do we draw the line?

People who think that just because you are deployed on ops means you can grow ridiculous facial hair, grow hair long, not wear rank or hats.

The RAF, I hate to admit this, are the worst of the bunch.

Guys at FOBs, in daily contact, with no hot water etc have a vaild excuse for not wasting what little resources they have.

I take offence to the SAC on the line, or the MT Driver at KAF who thinks he's Andy McNab with long hair, Elvis chops, no hat and no excuse.

We are in the military - take a look at the other forces based at KAF. Have you ever seen any scruffy Aussies or Americans in uniform? Probably not.

I have spent the best part of 3 years at KAF since 2001/2 and have seen a gradual decrease of standards from the RAF units detached there.

Ops yes - lack of discipline and personal standards - no:mad:

Al R
1st Jan 2009, 18:37
Seldom wrote; Lots of stuff about being told to eat a takeaway to camera by a nasty film producer called Piers..

".. whilst there was some undeniably good footage of us doing airdrop and the like there is also some rather inane stuff that they may use. On my second to last night we were fortunate enough to pick up a nice Thai meal from Kabul which the film crew insisted they record us eating whilst sat in the para door for the transit home.......queue the usual pie eating comments that us Albert crews have worked so hard to engender over the years.

I am sure to Joe Public the series will be pretty good and and will make fairly compelling watching but I have this sneaking feeling us light blue folk are going to be right royally raped by our sister services once this programme comes to air."

Er, the film crew 'insisted'? You've identified the flak that will come, yet you still allowed yourself to be filmed doing it?

A spot of basic media handling, a splash of common sense and trying just that little bit harder not to mince when you're in the vicinity of a tv camera would have worked wonders. 'Raped'? For being a media whore, for your naivety and stupidity (and even worse - admitting it), you deserve all you get from the army mate. And right up the ARRSE too.

1st Jan 2009, 22:26
Well well Beerdrinker!! I bet you never thought you would start this 'rant and rave' when you started the thread??

Can't wait to see what is said after the prog is actually shown on TV!!

Will have set the Sky+ to record so I can see what its all about!

2nd Jan 2009, 10:37

Thanks for yet another valuable input but in your fervour to take another pop you seem to have completely missed the point..........again :rolleyes:

Who do you think authorised the film crew to be on board? Who do you think sent down the brief that all those involved in any filming were to co operate fully with the C5 guys as all submissions were going to be vetted by PJHQ.................so where do you get the notion I had any say in the matter?

My post was in reply to Wrath where I was agreeing that there was real potential that, whilst the public may well lap it all up, our dark blue and green cousins may get some real mileage out of it, probably all a bit subtle for you but there it is :=

2nd Jan 2009, 15:29
Newt. Yes I am suprised!!!!!!! I knew the series was in the offing and when I saw it trailled on C5 I thought that as it would be of interest to people on this forum, I would let them know when it was starting. Silly me!!!!!

As per my email to you I will be watching on Monday


Al R
2nd Jan 2009, 15:58

To confirm then, get a takeaway or get taken away.

2nd Jan 2009, 16:01

As I said, it was always going to be a bit to subtle for you :ok:

Al R
2nd Jan 2009, 16:45
.. sorry mate - for not making sen-se.

5th Jan 2009, 20:55

I've been flicking it on in between doing the ironing and reckon:

a) The RAF Regt are professional, well humoured guys.
b) The REMFs lounging around looking 'cool' while the rocket attack alarm sounded did more PR harm than they realise, especially with our sister services.
c) The Welsh 'HR' guru is almost perfect - she can't run too fast, quite fit, and as thick as a horse on toast.
d) No bandspeople - Hurrah!

5th Jan 2009, 21:08
Oh dear oh dear......

Not helped by the commentator making the programme the style of a "Brits on holiday" series.

Not helped by the "stars" giving the impression that they are Brits on holiday...

5th Jan 2009, 21:10
The Welsh 'HR' guru is almost perfect - she can't run too fast, quite fit, and as thick as a horse on toast.

To very roughly paraphrase - "I'm taking ages to put my make up on before I go out, cos I like doing girly things. I don't want to feel like I'm too military"

:confused: Forgive me if I've missed something, but you are in the military, and you are on ops. I dread to think what they are saying on ARRSE.

But agreed, the Rocks came out of the first episode very well. However, the whole thing looks very tabloid; the BBC documentary following the SH crews that was on a while back was far far superior and gave an indication of what it's really like out there.

As for ARRSE, just had a look - without repeating any of the more personal insults here, the comment "so far back they send their laundry forward" really does seem to sum up the impression of life at KAF given by this programme so far.

5th Jan 2009, 21:15
Poor. It does not show the serious hard work which goes into providing CAS to the troops and SH to get the guys there and to resupply them. It needs a real burst of serious stuff to show what really happens rather than the inane stuff which panders to the celebrity TV culture we now inhabit. Yes there are burger kings etc but from that same base are guys and girls working their butts off. They do not get to swan about!!!!! Could have done to be edited a bit more!! How about getting across the reason we are there perhaps!!!

5th Jan 2009, 21:17
Does anyone hold out hope for more substance to come? Or are we in for more of the same?

Mr C Hinecap
5th Jan 2009, 21:23
Do you think the public will think all Sqn Ldr Aircrew look like that? :}

Not the best TV we've ever put our names to. There is a lot of space between 'any fool can be uncomfortable' and 'fluffy'. We've erred on fluffy there.

5th Jan 2009, 21:53
Once again the Press seem to have been let loose with no editorial control. We had the same problem at Brawdy when they filmed the Fighter Pilot series.

We spent hours giving them acres of film both in the air and on the ground. What made the headlines? A student pilot cooking his chips in off-base accommodation saying he hated living in the Mess!! This time they spent more time filming a pretty little Welsh girl than they did filming the operational side of the Base!

Will their "Lordships" ever learn their lesson??

Well thats my rant. Just glad I recorded it so I could watch a wonderfully attractive redhead in "Above Suspicion" on the other channel!!

Shall now retire to my bunker with a glass of whiskey!! Tomorrow I must get a haircut and remove my sideburns! Oh! and do some PT to work off the excess of Christmas, polish my flying boots and press my trousers!!

Al R
6th Jan 2009, 06:39
I was in no fit state to watch it after watching Vicki Butler Henderson state; ".. a voluptuous derriere is perfect to play with.".

I guess I came to at about midnight. I have recorded it though, and will offer my valuable input later. :ok:

6th Jan 2009, 07:39
I switched off shortly after the commentator stated that Kandahar lay 100 miles from Kabul... only two thirds short! :ugh:

Such a wasted opportunity for the British Military again. The one over Christmas was fantastic.


6th Jan 2009, 07:40
We spent hours giving them acres of film both in the air and on the ground. What made the headlines? A student pilot cooking his chips in off-base accommodation saying he hated living in the Mess!!

Yes - that stupid clip of the whingeing ex-milkman (who also mumbled something about "It's just a job like anything else" in his dull FNM monotone) brought about the edict that all first tourists had to live in the mess for their first year on the squadron..... With house prices going up at the rate they were in the early 1980s, this amounted to something like a £5000 fine for prospective house buyers.

A typical over-reaction by the worthless Airships.....:ugh:

6th Jan 2009, 10:35
Some interesting comments on some of the other sites...

Arrse (http://www.arrse.co.uk/cpgn2/Forums/viewtopic/t=113047/postdays=0/postorder=asc/start=0.html)

E-Goat (http://www.e-goat.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=21490)

Rum Ration (http://www.navy-net.co.uk/cpgn2/index.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=17380#290854)

Cringe worthy TV if I've ever seen it. :D

6th Jan 2009, 11:44
I only saw the last half-hour of it. What I seen of it, was............Ok....Well....Poor...

That commentator that babbles through it just gets on my frikin nerves, he talks through it like he's commentating like the way he would for an advert for Disneyland.

Sorry to say, but! The lame "Dutch-Disco" looked like a Friday night out at the bigmarket here in Newcastle! Rough as f**k & full of p**s-heads! But without the couple of door-head US Marines in the mix!

Why don't they show us what our lads & lasses are REALLY doing?...Rather than making it look like one of those crappy "Boozed-Up Brits Abroad" or whatever the hell it's called...

Disappointed!!! But NOT with our lads & lasses, not at all, but with the makers of this show...

Len Ganley
6th Jan 2009, 12:35
I just have a horrible feeling that there may be the odd "PR shot to the foot" moment and one that may backfire (again) on the light blue

How right you are.

6th Jan 2009, 12:39
I did find it surreal that the possibility of RMP's being concerned over the wearing of faded combatsI on the other hand was quite pleased to hear this as it completely validates my decision not to join the military because it is, as we say on the internet, full of stupid.


(Yes, yes, I know, running away, donning tin hat, avoiding flame...)

6th Jan 2009, 12:51
A missive doing the rounds at the mighty HQ AIR Request (well it doesn't Command does it!) says that the series gets better....heres hoping!

6th Jan 2009, 13:47
Why don't they show us what our lads & lasses are REALLY doing?...

Er, like what? As anyone who's been to the great self-****ting nappy that KAF is knows, that is what "our lads and lasses" :rolleyes: do do. Some people fix aircraft, some fly them, some do dull admin & stores and some other people guard them. In the evenings they eat pizza and go to the gym. Why? Because there's cock all else to do. There are the odd rocket attacks there but overall the opportunities to fix bayonets and charge stark-naked at Terry are pretty limited down on the Boardwalk. I'm sure those of you horrified at the dutch disco wouldn't avail yourselves of all the US/NATO facilities that are there but would probably just stay in your rooms sharpening your boot knives.....

The producers pick up on the pretty/thick-as-a-whale omlette lass and the young, slightly nervous Regt Gunner because they are the sort of people C5 makes programmes for. It's just a bit of lowest-common-denominator, matey boy commentary, seafront telly that the likes of ITV and C5 revel in. It's not gritty, Ross Kemp type stuff but that's because their jobs aren't, er, gritty, Ross Kemp type stuff. Still, who knows - perhaps the young lad will get his leg blown off whilst out sweeping the approach and the admin girl will get horribly burnt when her office gets rocketted - might make for better TV eh? :ugh:

I don't see it as a PR disaster per se; this is, I'm afraid, what the majority of UK forces in theatre do - 98% dull stuff. No matter how many dutch discos there are there, it's still a ****ehole and still time away from friends and family; nobody wants to be there but people make the best of a bad lot. I think I'll give the series the benefit of the doubt - there are still several more episodes to go and I suspect future ones will perhaps shine some favourable light on the less glamourous, but nonetheless vital corners of the UK deployment out there.

PS. Why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why did the Air Commode have his fg suit wings patch sewn onto his deserts......? :yuk:

6th Jan 2009, 14:09
After a quick read through all this Guff. It's not changed much
since Aden.
Glad I got The F out of it then!

6th Jan 2009, 14:11
Wasn't that Harrier pilot the one who was on the recent series aboard (name eludes me, either Ark or Invincible) the aircraft carrier?

I recognised those dodgy eyebrows and sideburns!!

How sad is that?

6th Jan 2009, 14:37
Must admit that I missed this magnum opus - I was watching BBC2. However, I will record the Thursday repeat and form my own opinion.

I don't actually recall there being much to do in Riyadh after Gulf War 1 kicked off - eat, fly, sleep being about all there was - although some alcoholics managed to get hold of something other than Moussy to drink. Certainly no discos, the nearest pizza place was a 30 min drive away (yes, we did have crew cars) - and if you've ever seen Saudi TV you'll know why everyone thought CNN was so good....

6th Jan 2009, 14:49

Good post....


So are we.....:rolleyes:

Al R
6th Jan 2009, 15:03
Just watched it, and so what, some people were enjoying themselves? Get over yourselves guys :ok:; its C5 for goodness sake and produced for a C5 audience, not a bunch of army web warriors furiously laying down suppressive threads on ARRSE and analising themselves to oblivion.

Good to see the Regt came across well and that we had the bonniest bird (hope all went well Benet). JG is still an ugly git its good to see, and we've been there for over 4 years now - can't someone please fix the ceiling and not refer to 'used to roughing it in tents'?

Well done the engineers too, if you could overlook the heinous crime of creeping lamp chops they were doing a great job. Apart from that, no grumbles if you take it in the right way. I suppose the really awkward stuff will come when we get the infinity stares whilst eating a chinky in the jump door. Please dear god, can someone confirm in advance there's not a sunset involved?

6th Jan 2009, 15:16

when we get the infinity stares whilst eating a chinky in the jump do

Apart from the fact it was Thai, Im sure you meant 'Chinese'.

It's ok for you civvies, it'll be us doing more EO courses! LOL

6th Jan 2009, 15:20
"Wasn't that Harrier pilot the one who was on the recent series aboard (name eludes me, either Ark or Invincible) the aircraft carrier?"

Yeah, that's the one, "Bollie" or "Bolly" his "name" is. The carrier was "lusty". Warship the programme was called. Quite good it was too.

Actually, this "Bollie" or "Bolly" guy, I'm sure he was on another programme too? About pilots wanting to join the Red Arrows, (But this guy was called "Ballard" back then...Same person?) I think it was about an hour & half long show on BBC a couple of years ago? Anyone remember?...Really good, showed you them training in the UK and in Cyprus, and....E'uhmmm....Dressing up in ladies clothes, 70's disco's things & what not on their day off...(Each one to their own I guess)....

Evanepus, actually it's more sad I remembered the dressing up part more than it is you remembering the dodgy eyebrows and sideburns. :O

6th Jan 2009, 15:34
Life in Kandahar is no Picnic.

I'm Off!
6th Jan 2009, 15:45
The Harrier pilot was working for Naval Strike Wing thus his sideys were probably not considered an issue. Most of the engineers that were pictured with "creeping sideburns" were RN, therefore not a problem!

6th Jan 2009, 16:32
It'll probably get better, but the editing was pretty crap. Kept repeating scenes.

6th Jan 2009, 16:58
Well done the RAF PR & Media Team that handled channel 5, could you have made the RAF look less professional, probably not?

Unless its some sort of reverse psychology recruitment drive by the RAF ie "come on in as its easy street here"; but the programmes flanking Royal Navy adverts were far better to attract "the right stuff". Still, if the RAF are after the Ibiza brigade then this stuff should work.

6th Jan 2009, 17:15
'Bolly' as in 'Bollard' was in both the reds selection programme and Warship, and for those who have it recorded, Dexter Fletcher (our dear narrator from Warship) even mentions that Bolly was around on Lusty in the last series. And from my recollection, that series did for the Navy exactly what it seems to be doing for the RAF, and in the same tabloid-journalistic style.

If you look at it from the viewpoint of what is probably the target audience of mid-teenage lads'n'lasses who might be considering joining up, it's probably really interesting seeing what we (supposedly) get up to on ops. Better than being stuck on board Lusty from what I can make out!

I wonder which episode the Welsh lass get her RAF bottom and upside-down legs issued?

6th Jan 2009, 17:55
Oh Dear!!!!!! What a load of pants!
At least the Rocks were trying to be proffesional about the whole thing, as were the harrier techies, could not see the point of the random bikini shot though apart from trying to keep the bloke viewers interested,
It better get bloody better.

6th Jan 2009, 17:57

Hopefully it'll be just after they're welded open for all to see. :E

6th Jan 2009, 19:01
Commence rant.

Those of you, who want to, try this for an analogy.

Cast your mind’s back to 1940 (OK…but try, just to humour me), let’s say RAF Biggin Hill.

Now, 1940, you would be about 19 or 20 years old, you are away from home, perhaps for the first time, you are getting bombed daily, working 24 hours a day fixing, refuelling, re-arming Spitfires and Hurricanes or supporting your mates who do.

Some of you will be flying into air combat and dying, some of you will be killed by the bombs or the blackout. Most of you will be **** scared.

For relaxation, there’s the Mess bar, the NAAFI, the Pub, the Hop. You will have three priorities

1. To get laid

2. To get pissed.

3. To survive.

You have Movietone News filming you.

All of you do a stunning job under crap conditions.

Now, bring your minds to the present date.

Change RAF Biggin Hill to ‘RAF’ Bastion.

Replace Spitfires and Hurricanes with Harriers, Hercs and Helo’s.

Delete priority 2 (but wish it were still possible).

You have Channel 5 filming you.

All of you do a stunning job under crap conditions.

For the armchair Generals/Admirals/Air Marshals ‘knockers’ of Welsh Adminers, Naval Sooties, LAC Rock’s, Pilot’s sideburns, Air Commodes wings etc etc will you grow up. This is their war, it being fought by 21st Century 19 and 20 year old’s.

Those guys and girls are out there doing the Queens Business and going into harms way. It is sickening, to me, to read some of the comments on this site.

If you are involved directly with OOA, fair enough, you can comment. But if you are not, who the hell gave you the right to criticise the people who continue to do what we once did.

For the record, my dids were 82 and 91.

End rant.

Czech MaShortz
6th Jan 2009, 19:09
I have been an avid PPRUNE reader for many years however, have seldom felt the compulsion to add my comment - until now. Having wasted 1hr of my well earned R&R from HERRICK watching this utter trash, I echo the sentiments of many of the above PPRUNERs regards their negativity towards the show - frankly, it was crap, and I can only hope that the next 7 episodes get a helluva lot better! I can't believe that RAF media engagement policy is now centred on following some Welsh bird around her daily routine of hairdryer, make-up, meet the boyfriend, ditch the boyfriend, go on a 'meat-hunt', fail on said meat-hunt, wear bikini and sunbathe. The Kajaki Dam convoy got about 30secs of coverage - i'm glad we put so much effort into getting it right! I know we are doing a good job at KAF and I know the troops on the ground wholeheartedly appreciate the support which we give them on a 24hr basis; its a shame we can't get better at selling the RAF story. Its hardly surprising the Army have such a negative view of what we do. Until we get better at sorting out our media message, what more can we expect?

6th Jan 2009, 19:09
I dont think some people realise that in Helmand young men are dying and living in holes while some Welsh bird can knock off at 4, run a little, have a shower, eat a pizza and go looking for "meat"

Get over yourself you cheese. What on earth has the tragic loss of lives on the front line got to do with what a young SACW admin clerk does at a huge NATO base in her spare time. I assume that when not on ops and back in the UK, you sit in a sangar in the garden and get the wife to shoot at you from the bedroom window as a mark of solidarity? Everyone has a job to do - at least she's doing her bit although I suppose she should be berated for not leopard crawling to work every day :rolleyes:

Taxydual: I am involved with OOA - a ridiculous amount of it, but thanks for the clearance to comment. The Air Cdre looks ridiculous with a fg suit patch on his DPMs. And there are no Hercs or Harriers based at "RAF" Bastion.

6th Jan 2009, 20:14

I didn't do Van Damme. He wasn't in the OOA's I was in. Although, I understand BN still doing her stuff in your OOA. Give my regards to her. DL would also, I'm certain, send his regards if he were able. Keep safe.


Thanks for correcting me re Harriers and Hercs. My cock up. Afghan 'fly on the walls' rolling into each other.

I really shouldn't post when

a. I have enjoyed excellent red wine (Aussie, of course).

b. point a. applies



PPRuNe Pop
6th Jan 2009, 20:58
Too late Seldom, I made the apology for him - by deleting his peurile posting efforts. If he, and perhaps one or two more, cannot exercise a little control..........................:mad:

By and large I enjoyed the prog. But then again if you ain't been there and cannot soak up what atoms are around then its hard to make a reasoned opinion - like some on here I'm afraid.

Keep safe guys.

6th Jan 2009, 21:39
And there are no Hercs or Harriers based at "RAF" Bastion.


Life in Kandahar is no Picnic.

That is true when comparing KAF with Tunbridge Wells, or even Glasgow. However, in comparison with somewhere like Musa Qala or Nadi Ali, then actually yes, it is a bit of a slipper city.

7th Jan 2009, 10:30


Rockets or none, may I suggest a reduction in the Op Allowance for those that never leave the immense inner cordon that is KAF to reflect the very good facilities there?

Hard it most definitely ain't.

Or up the allowance for those that have to go to other less 18-30 like venues?



7th Jan 2009, 10:58
KAF still has incoming from time to time does it not?

If you don't like going outside the wire for what they're paying you, PVR. Why drag someone else down because you don't respect the job they do for the pay they receive?

7th Jan 2009, 13:11
Slightly away from the original thread topic, however....

The Op allowance isn't a 'getting shot at' allowance. It is paid to help towards the difficulties, costs and associated problems of living overseas away from home and family. Something that affects everybody.

For goodness sake, as has been pointed out, different people do different jobs with different risks. Accept it or get out. Pretty simple really.:hmm:

7th Jan 2009, 16:24
It's true that the RAF doesn't always do itself the biggest favour, but presumably they are trying to show all sides - didn't the Army just have a series about Combat Chefs??

Or perhaps we could avoid all the bluntness by leaving the blunties at home and just take the hard-edged combat vets from the AT, SH and the FJ worlds to do our jobs leaving them to admire us at home or complain about being called at 2000 on a Sunday night... Of course we'd have no mail, no flights booked, no laundry, long drop latrines, constant Compo but at least we'd only glorify the frontline...

It might not be the best and our near literate cousins on ARRSE might find they have some ammunition, but we have to encourage people to join the RAF in all trades. The ARRSE guys presumably haven't slagged off Combat Chefs, or is it because they are all Chefs and Loggies anyway (that's if they're not just cadets after all)?

Al R
7th Jan 2009, 17:30
I don't think it showed the RAF at all in a bad light. The junior service has always been a bit left field and long may we cherish that individuality. By the way, I wonder what those champions of true professionalism on ARSE would have said (if we had the interweb back in 1940 of course), about these gash hands? Look at 'em for Christ's sake.. sleeping on duty, smoking in uniform, some with no hats on, some hats worn incorrectly and hands in pockets.:=




general all rounder
7th Jan 2009, 17:43
The allowance is a getting shot at allowance, it is specifically paid to those locations where the degree of risk is considered greater than that allowed for in the X Factor; for this reason some op locations don't get it.

The Old Fat One
7th Jan 2009, 18:00
While I am totally against military bullSh1t whilst on operations, a line in the sand must be drawn between being a professional military organization and a rag tag outfit, especially when in the eyes of our Allies.

The question is though - At what point do we draw the line?

To answer your question, may I commend to you:

"On the Psychology of Military Incompetence" by Norman Dixon
Pimlico 1976

Especially the articles relating to the Boer and Israeli forces, neither of which were noted for their dress standards, but both of which were particularly effective at giving others - including our good selves - a pretty good kicking.

7th Jan 2009, 18:34
To answer your question, may I commend to you:

"On the Psychology of Military Incomptence" by Norman Dixon
Pimlico 1976

Especially the articles relating to the Boer and Israeli forces, neither of which were noted for their dress standards, but both of which were particularly effective at giving others - including our good selves - a pretty good kicking.Thank you, just ordered from Amazon.

I never actually said that the smartest military would always win all the time. Personal standards and values do help in all walks of life.

And to keep the thread on topic, looking back on the 'War Zone' it may actually turn out to be a very good recruiting tool.

7th Jan 2009, 18:54
The allowance is a getting shot at allowance, it is specifically paid to those locations where the degree of risk is considered greater than that allowed for in the X Factor; for this reason some op locations don't get it.

So to clarify. Are you saying you have to be shot at to get the allowance then?
No, you don't, hence my reply.
There IS certainly a higher degree of risk and harsher living conditions (granted some much harder than others-I have experienced both) in operational theatres such as Herrick and Telic.

At the end of the day, I think we are talking about the same thing and this is just semantics.
This is the same age old argument that has existed for years.
E.g. why did anybody who lived and worked inside the wire at Aldergrove for 28 days or more get a medal, when there were people out on the ground getting shot at?
Simple- they were posted there to do their job whatever it may be. They didn't make the rules.

Like I said, if people don't agree or like it then move on. It is not worth losing heart beats over. Smacks of school kids not wanting to share their sweets with the less popular kids.:rolleyes:

7th Jan 2009, 20:24
Whilst I completely accept that the showering and disco scenes were not how I would like the public to feel about the contribution of those at KAF, can I raise the following points?

1. Everyone, even the SF have QMs etc whose job it is to supply and support, not to fix bayonets.
2. Everyone, bar one very special (very unlucky) person, will find that someone else has done more killing or taken more incoming. You may feel that he or she has 'done less' than you - but there will be plenty that have 'done more' than you.
3. When does an IDF strike count? Is it manly to take 10 rounds per week or is the threshold 30? When does it become acceptable to say you were under fire?
4. How many EF do you need to attrit before you can assume manhood? How many inhabitants of ARSE (?) have genuinely brought one of Her Majesty's foes to account? I am sure there are many, but there will also be many who haven't.

Summary: Not great coverage, but let's not sledge people for doing their jobs far from home, no matter how important we consider them compared to our own.

I personally believe that there is fat at KAF that needs a bit of trimming. (Not QFI trimming - which is never acceptable) but let's not fall into a 'I'm harder than you' argument.

8th Jan 2009, 22:07
Those of you bad mouthing kate , do you know her ?:=

8th Jan 2009, 23:02

Kate will have to do the same thing that plenty of others have done and simply grin and bear it. The media have this innate ability to take what you think is a simple and innocuous throw away line, hoop you and leave you thinking "****, that's not what it was meant to sound like"

Kate, like several others in this "show" who are going to end up holding their heads in their hands in frustration will have to take comfort in the knowledge that MOST sensible folk will fully understand that the camera and journo tw@t's often do lie :}

8th Jan 2009, 23:43
I suspect that those most hard on the Welsh lass will be service people. To the average civvy she came across as higher-calibre-than-you-expect-a-JR-to-be, and as a solid Welsh girl doing a bloody good job of keeping her chin up in circumstances that may not have been akin to the trenches, but which were far from enviable.



8th Jan 2009, 23:56
And with a half-decent rack too. Good on her.

9th Jan 2009, 00:17
Perhaps that was what was keeping her chin up?

OK, OK, coat, hat, I know the drill

9th Jan 2009, 11:12
Possibly worth a comparison with Ireland in 1975/6 at the height of the troubles.

660 squadron Army Air Corps Long Kesh.

Unrestricted bar, beer and spirits available to all off duty personnel.
Much beloved by the prison officers and on one famous occasion by members of the parachute regiment ferried in by Puma from Bessbrook for the evening. Two ended up in hospital with alchohol poisoning. Next morning the rest would have sooner taken on the IRA with pop guns rather than fly back down south.

Disco every Saturday night (the famous coach load of nurses never turned up).
However lots of local lasses did.

Pilot........Excuse me miss would you like to dance.
Mademoiselle.......... F**k off I've got time for another pint.

After 24 hour duty period finishing at 12AM.
Sh*t,, shower shave and off to Corkens to drink loads of Guiness courtesy of our covert duty vehicle.

Morale was so high people volunteered to extend their tours.

Whats the betting that the alchohol restriction in Kandahar has been insisted on by the spams.

As they say in the infantry any fool can be uncomfortable.

Reminds me of stories my late father told me about his time in Korea. Even then the Americans had their icecream machines and PX facilities.

Vortex what...ouch!
9th Jan 2009, 11:20
Shock horror, crabs dripping about how hard being in the military is. Crikey do get over yourselves. :ouch:

9th Jan 2009, 11:30
Vortex, it's not how hard it can be in the Light Blue Machine (broken it may be) it is how hard the bull**** rules imposed on you by some REMF makes it.

Once you've got the primary jobs done then you go onto the getting it as comfortable and bearable as possible. Having trivia like, e.g. your combats are too faded......is really not necessary. It all boils down to leadership, a good leader would set out the tasks and standards and say carry on, when finished report to me at the bar where I will have cold beer waiting. The SNCO's would ensure tasks done and standards maintained.....

But then the media wouldn't want to film that, far too professional and boring for them....

9th Jan 2009, 11:39
Also worth remembering that Kandahar provides R&R facilities for the troops in Helmand and elsewhere. They deserve the best we can provide and in my view Kandahar should be better still.

9th Jan 2009, 12:36
Well, I finally got round to watching the first programme.

To be honest, I can't see what all the whinges are about.

A few shots of people trying to be as 'normal' off-duty as the environment will allow - and of those who have clearly tried to make the best of their surroundings.

However, if the US wasn't there with their usual on-base facilities, I wonder how truly dreadful Bastion would then be.

The programme was obviously made for a specific audience, but I haven't seen anything which merits the mindless drivel posted on PPRuNe or 'other military websites'.

Dehydration is obviously a key concern - perhaps that's another reason to invoke the no-alcohol regime?

The 'poo pond' looks like an avoidable health hazard waiting to happen. Why on earth hasn't it been sorted out?

9th Jan 2009, 14:23
Nobody could argue that all those deployed on ops (and indeed many many more who are at homebase) are there with the same aim. Some are in less tense locations (OOA in Qatar / Oman etc) but its still time away from home and people need to be able to relax in their downtime and facilities need to be available for those who can never relax at their "place of work". We (i.e the military) know that. But Joe Public may not and the last thing the MOD needs is questions from the tree huggers about how the defence budget and/or the contingency fund are being spent on troops to party. Because IMHO thats how it came across. Not all of it, granted. I don't blame the individuals because as has been pointed out you have no control how the editor and producer are going to spin your input. But Defence PR may be squirming a bit - and so they should.

The second episode, I'm sure, will be far better.....

9th Jan 2009, 15:01
I suspect that the poo pond was for the armourers to have swim in after a night on the lash.

9th Jan 2009, 15:45
"I suspect that the poo pond was for the armourers to have swim in after a night on the lash."

Just reminded me there...

In Commander Ade Orchard's book, 'Joint Force Harrier', (A great read by the way, fully recommend it) he said in it somewhere that a Para and two Romanian soldiers (I think?) had some sort of bet, or dare, (Can't quite remember the full details), who could SWIM from one end to the other...Across the "Poo Pond".......Of what I can remember it saying, one Romanian kind of bottled it (Don't blame him in the slightest), the other Romanian jumped in, swam a few yards & decided to swim back & got out....The Para, jumped in & swam to the other end....... :\ :D

Something like that anyway...

But weldone to our lad....just, don't shake my hand or give me a manly hug or anything like that. LOL

British Para 1-0 Romanian(?) Soldier(s) :ok:

9th Jan 2009, 19:29
Pretty certain it was actually a marine.

9th Jan 2009, 21:34
I think we all tend to agree is that Channel 5 focussed too much on the downtime. Or at least that they did not mention the fact that after a 12-14Hr every day with the occasional (and I emphasise occasional) day off guys/girls do need to chill out by having a bit of normality and let their hair down in any way shape or form with no alcohol.
Let's face it, we all need the support trades. How does our aircraft get fixed, how do we get our mail? It's not all about crossing the wire, though the program could have made the public more aware of the fact that Kate's trade supports the people who cross the wire directly. And I do not only mean at 20000' or if at LL at 600 Kts......:E

However I can understand the frustrations of some people who turn up to the admin cell on a Sun morning (dont tell me dont go on a Sunday as there is no notion of days over there and it may be the only time one has spare time) to find that it is a half day/ or a non working day for the admin. Because for some there is no such thing as a day off. On ops we should accept that these things will be on an opportunity basis not as a given. This unfortunately does create friction.

Finally to come back on the Op Allowance thing, it IS a getting shot at allowance. It was introduced by Labour when the Tories said they would introduced tax free salaries for service men / women in theatres deemed to be highly dangerous (ie Iraq and Stan). Being on the back foot labour introduced this allowance in emergencxy saying it would boost up a PRIVATE's salary to ensure it would correspond to a tax free salary for the period of the det. Neer mind the other ranks.....:ugh: For discomfort and separation there is LSA. I do not think there should be a downgrading of our support staff who stay behind the wire, however maybe a boost in allowance for the guys who do take it to the enemy would be much appreciated....:ok:

10th Jan 2009, 12:46

You are correct in your assertion that this may not be the best PR for MOD when it comes to the public. Some of the public may well think that money is being ill spent.

However on this forum, frequented by alleged serving members, it is those serving members who are whingeing about the facilities; not the public... I personally think that Joe Public (especially CH5's target audience) will not give a jot or think too hard about it... all they will see is a bit of light entertainment.

Maybe more emphasis should be put on operations, however we have already had 2 excellent programmes recently (Ross Kemps and the one following Marine training through to Operations), so it is understandable that TV producers in a bid for ratings will try a different angle.

11th Jan 2009, 02:14
Hmm watched it and they young lady in the Bikini, sad to say no matter what she does or how well she does it in her future career she will possibly always be remembered as that Welsh girl in the Bikini of the telly.......

shame really, I know sex sells, but to put her across as a dumbish Welsh bimbo does her no favours indeed or the RAF for that matter and I bet she will live to regret the day she agreed to take part........

Similar was the young LAC rock proudly showing off his Dog Tags and announcing to the world he feels like a real soldier now....... probably just a snippet from a whole ream of film shot, but a snippet that makes him appear to be a bit of a "muppet" to his collegues etc..

Could have been a really good programme, but when you put it up against the likes of Ross Kemp in Afghanistan it just makes the RAF appear a bit of a laughing stock...........

I know it is TV etc but these programmes do the RAF and their goals no good at all........

11th Jan 2009, 06:27
My spin on this one is that, younger, easily influenced people, are going to see the military having a bit of fun as well as the serious side to it. Agree it may focus on downtime, however, both sides of the coin been shown.
It could maybe attract some new bods for the forces.

11th Jan 2009, 12:39
i can't see what all the fuss is about to be honest!! this 1st episode is a recruiters dream, and i think that's what it was aimed at being from the off.. aside from the extra danger in relation to the location, Incirlik was no different in the mid 90's......

i think this is post number 89 or something, but i don't think we can judge the programme till it's final one has been shown. i'm certain that it will get a bit more 'serious' as the weeks go by, and aside from the 'novelty' value, our welsh clerk will soon be forgotten about and others will surely take her place.. i'm not sure i envy the new rocks straight out of training and into a front line deployment... he may seem a bit naive and even a tad daft, but that'll soon disappear soon me thinks!!...

let them have their 15 mins of fame, ignore the eejut keyboard warriors over on arrse and it's sky+'ed ready for the next one..
i for one, can't wait!!
they ALL have my ultimate respect for what they're doing!!!

11th Jan 2009, 17:11
Well I finally got round to watching the prog this weekend and as I suspected I really don’t see what the fuss is about. It is just another Pprune moan from many of you.

For those of you that have supported the personnel that have appeared in this programme, well done.

For those that have come out with the usual derogatory comments.... get a life. I suspect that many of these comments are from people that have never actually deployed and if they have they are probably not team players. In fact miserable old Sh$ts spring to mind...we had plenty of them on the deployments I was involved in.

I have recently spoken to an old mate who has recently returned from Kandahar and witnessed the filming taking place. He said that the film crew were really friendly and there was good humour and banter from all that participated. Unofficially there was an angle to encourage recruitment. Can’t fault that at all.

I don’t think that the people that have appeared in this program will be remembered for being in “a bikini” and I don’t think they will be considered being a “Muppet for showing their dog tags”. They are young and enthusiastic people who are very proud of what they are doing. Their family and friends are even prouder. I have no doubts that these people would put their lives on the line if the situation called for it.

The programme certainly reminds me of my time in the many places I was deployed to in the horrible Middle East and I look forward to seeing the rest of the series.

Finally, I now work for a company that specialises in defence communication equipment. Several of our lads deploy to Afgan on a regular basis to install this equipment. (So that many of you can have something better than “Goals Calls”). As a result of that the majority of the personnel I work with watched the programme and really enjoyed it. And I can assure you that “the welsh girl” will always be offered a job.

Sloppy Link
11th Jan 2009, 18:40
I thought it was OK. For those that wish to critisise, remember, the true worth of any medal be it campaign or gallantry is only truly known by the wearer.


animo et fide
11th Jan 2009, 19:26
It would appear to me that too many people on here have far too much time on their hands. You can either:
a) Get back to work, stopping the rest of us carrying you, or
b) Get a life and watch something else on tv


12th Jan 2009, 20:26
So lets see what the ARRSE bandits make of their RMP friends then?

Grrrr...watch out for 'the Bear':rolleyes:

nice castle
12th Jan 2009, 21:37
Who wears sunglasses inside. c0ck.

13th Jan 2009, 00:13
Well it seems to be improving over the first episode and the Pontins holiday camp image took a backburner this week and it started to get more serious, though who ever on the Jumping Bean force that made up the Barbie table, I do hope you can measure two sheets of tin up better than you can a table top :p

Pure Pursuit
13th Jan 2009, 06:53
Will somebody please, please just shoot the adminer...

She is a :mad: nightmare!

Off to Bastion with at least 50% of here bag being taken up by :mad: make up!:{

Up up and away
13th Jan 2009, 07:53
Didn't she say something along the lines of "I don't really know what firemen do" :ugh:

13th Jan 2009, 10:29
Well I didn't realise that they went out to cut casualties from IED'd vehicles. And as for wearing that fire resistent Nomex-type suit in those temps...

Are they still a part of the RAF Regiment?

13th Jan 2009, 10:30
As long as there as been an RAF the boys and girls try to make the best of it. We all know some of the Army (and RAF) are up the front line in very trying times and doing their best with the kit they have in very bad conditions.

Many years ago in the fire strike of the late 70s, there were 2 huts both equiped with camp beds, folding tables and plastic chairs and ash trays for acomodation. At the end of the strike the Army accom consisited of camp beds, folding chairs and plastic chairs and ash trays. The RAF Hut consisted of second hand Telly, Hi Fi, old sofas, decent lighting and all chipped in for some better food.

We all know the arrse boys are giving the RAF stick over this prog, but like all modern armies only a small amount of personnel do the shooting, and most are on back up and logistical jobs (REMF's). The only thing between RAF REMFs and Army REMFs is the RAF try to make life as comfy as possible

Ex RAF REMF and proud of it
(why dig in when you can check in)

13th Jan 2009, 10:51
SCAFITE - a brilliant first post if I may say so. (I'm old and sad enough to remember that SCAF stood for Supply Control & Accounting Flight - I think....)

Anyway, I shall remember
why dig in when you can check in
as a useful riposte.

I missed the first WarZone, but thoroughly enjoyed the second. OK, minor embarrassments - but mostly those are the kind of things that tell you it's real.

And how good it is to see the REMFs at their very important work.

I would think the RAF media lot are well chuffed.


13th Jan 2009, 11:29
Thanks airsound and you are correct about SCAF or very near Stock and not Supply but close enough.

I like you agree a few little cringy bits but overall its what happens, and if you are a young civiy looking to join up, showing the RAF looking after its troops where possible, got to be a good thing.

I have just read a book called (best years of their lives) about national service and a book called (through the hanger doors) about a history of RAF Ground personnel. The RAF wanted to get rid of National Service in the Mid 50s after the Besnson Experiment, for a period personnel at that station were given better types of uniform, removed from petty normal restrictions of service life. This was to see if by making life better for the erks these boys and girls would stay in the service for much longer.

The Army could not see the point of this, and as a result when N/S was got rid of after the last N/S personnel left the service in 1963, the RAF had the least problems converting to a non conscript service.

The Army Bless them dont change and still dont realise that if you dont look after the troops they bugger off.

13th Jan 2009, 19:40
What rot....we all know that SCAF stood for Skullduggery & Crafty Adjustments Flight! :)

Al R
14th Jan 2009, 06:29
SCAFITE said: .. why dig in when you can check in?

At my age, that gets my vote. Spoke to a recruiter yesterday. He has spoken to 3 walks ins, purely off the back of this.

Didn't watch her last night - Lt Cdr Joanne Gallaway ITV2 or SAC Whoever she was Ch5? No contest. :ok:

14th Jan 2009, 08:25
(The odd adjustment could have crossed my desk)

In the last few weeks the RAF have had RAF at 90 on 90 mins of BBC 2 prime time and the Channel 5 Soap Opera War Zone currently running. Both programmes have shown a balance of operations and good times had by all. Jet Fighters blasting their way to the hevens protecting our country in one prog, and pretty little girl in the other with the message lifes not that bad on operations in the RAF.

Even though many folks on this and other forums were not happy about the progs, due to the fact it did not show this trade or another branch doing their bit. Think back to why you wanted to join the RAF, for those who like me left school at 16 on Friday and joined the RAF the following Wednesday. I saw the film Battle of Britain when I was 10 and thought I will have some of that. Wanted to be a V Bomber pilot and some kind of Space Gunner, but they said you can be a stacker at 16 and we will pay you £11.00 quid a week (1976). What a fortune where do I sign.

We are entering a bad time in the UK and this is the best time for the service to get the best youngsters. Next year Peter Jackson going to spend millions on the new Dambusters film, and no dout you lot will slag it off. But the point is its not for you, but some youngster whom it may just put the seed in their heads to be a Fighter pilot or Stacker. The RAF will get 20 years of adverts for nothing off the back of the film.

If you are young and got more than two brain cells and you want to join the services, which one should I think of.

14th Jan 2009, 09:29
Bugger, missed Mondays episode. Does anyone know if it is repeated before next week? I have now selected Series Link on SkyPlus....better late etc etc.


14th Jan 2009, 09:44

if your in the UK it'll be on Freeview Fiver on Sunday night about 20:00.

14th Jan 2009, 10:32

It is repeated on C5 tomorrow night, Thursday 2300 hrs.

14th Jan 2009, 10:32
Thanks Sonas, will set up to record later on.

14th Jan 2009, 10:34
Thanks to Srennaps too!

15th Jan 2009, 08:37
Didn't she say something along the lines of "I don't really know what firemen do"
Yes, and she also said, re her SA80:
"I don't mind carrying it when it's unloaded, but when it's loaded, it makes me nervous". :eek:

Tonka Toy
15th Jan 2009, 23:35
Is little Kate back in the uk yet and available for lunch!? Or dinner or breakfast for that matter?!!:E Welsh girls, -always such charmers!!!!!

Has Bob Judson lost weight or is it me!??

Poor old Bollard, Didn't get the reds, has done a load of PR and they still want him to have that a la mode sand blasted look! - You get your ATPLs done Bolle and find an airline that loves ya!

All that aside, always thinking of all of you that go out there.:D

17th Jan 2009, 16:46
After watching multiple programs from the brave reporters and produces who waddle off to AFG looking for their "golden globes" or what ever they get for been brave little souls! I do start to wonder where it is going to end, how many times can ross kemp leave his camera man stranded at a FOB cos there wasn't enough spaces on the chinook for them both!
But taking "Warzone" for what it is, is a good bit of PR for the RAF. This program is not for serving or ex members of the forces, but for the interest of people who will never go out to places like AFG. All those shiny GPMG's and bayonets look good on camera, how many bits of footage can you get of rounds getting boxed up! And as for the gunners who were blown up by an IED (as reported in the Birmingham post report) they had the unfortunate look of hitting a legacy mine (as told to me by an experienced RAF SNCO).
On the flip side of the coin people who have served out there look at programs like this with a smile because they can finally show loved ones where they served and places they went. But if i had the choice of serving deep down south, and the holiday camp that is KAF..... i choose KAF! :O
Let the avalanche begin!

17th Jan 2009, 17:30
Thought the second episode was a 'little' better. The Firemen, Movers and C130 det seemed to come across well.
The Regt seemed to have mixed fortunes. thought the Sgt comes across quite professionally, but not sure how Mr 'dog tags n bayonet' fares in the wider world. Looks a bit of a muppet, but as has been pointed out, we are not the target audience.
Still watch the young lady with bewilderment. Having explained she doesnt know what a Fireman does, and that she is rendered nervous by her own weapon, I fail to see how she will reach out to the target audience.
She is a lovely individual, but do we really need a whole new generation who hold her as a role model?

nice castle
17th Jan 2009, 18:14
Regt Sgt professional eh? Not my first thought as all his lads were mincing about looking for their weapons in a rabble. Shocking. Ripe for a re-brief, he is.

I can't help but think we look like a bunch of slack arsed amateurs. Hopefully, if the audience is as unaware as our Kate, they'll not notice. But I doubt it.

17th Jan 2009, 18:47
nice castle,

as all his lads were mincing about looking for their weapons in a rabble. Shocking.

I find that statement a bit harsh. Not all of his lads were looking for their weapons. . Don’t forget they are young and scared of what they are about to embark on. Cut them some slack.

I can't help but think we look like a bunch of slack arsed amateurs.

Sorry but I find that comment completely offensive. If you have ever been involved in any form of deployment to OOA I fail to see how you can make such a comment.

nice castle
17th Jan 2009, 18:58
Getting the basics right is non-negotiable in a so-called 'warzone'. I allow them a great deal of latitude wrt inner feelings about their mission, but as soldiers, they appear unprofessional on that show.

Don't take offence chum, you're not in the program! Those who are, appear to me to be a poor reflection on what the RAF is truly capable of. Yes, I have been away, 700 days on Ops, over a mix of desert, (both Iraq x 4 and Afg x 2), Balkans, and before you ask, NI, but only 20 days there.

I post not to denegrate the RAF, channel 5 is doing that more than efficiently, but out of pure frustration that I know there are far better facets that we could display, but are not.

I am sure you are one of those.:ok:

17th Jan 2009, 19:18
nice castle,

It’s a TV Programme.

If you have spent 700+ days on operational deployment, communicating with all on that deployment, you might appreciate that they are all professional.

nice castle
17th Jan 2009, 19:32
Yeah thanks.

Am I still allowed to be frustrated by the way we come across, or do you want complete control of my opinion?

19th Jan 2009, 16:25
700 days on Ops

You must have taken a few years sabbatical then?

Vortex what...ouch!
19th Jan 2009, 21:00
Another PR own goal for the RAF I see.

Jeez do you guys get lessons on how to look a tit?

19th Jan 2009, 21:09
Another PR own goal for the RAF I see.

Jeez do you guys get lessons on how to look a tit? No, I believe the Army PTI won that accolade this episode! My favourite quote whilst stood in the Thai massage parlour:

'It's just like ordering a Chinese this!"

19th Jan 2009, 21:14
Army and PTI..........what a combination :rolleyes:

And what was that about being back later this year :confused:

19th Jan 2009, 21:21
Yeah, it was like: "You can catch all that later in the year"

Me: "Wait, what?!?!"

Now I rarely shout at the TV :P But was there any prior notice to it being shown later in the year? Weird....

19th Jan 2009, 22:03
Oh dear, but to drag out an oft use phrase

"Calm down, dear. It's only an advert".

21st Jan 2009, 12:48
Just received from Channel 5 after I queried why the series was stopping:

"Unfortunately, this programme has not proved to be as popular as we hoped in the Monday evening 21:00 time slot and this is why we decided to temporarily remove it from our schedules. As you know, it will return later this year but no transmission dates are available at the moment.
As further information becomes available it will be released for publication in the local and national press. We recommend keeping an eye on the television listings magazines or contacting us again at a later date when we may have more details.

You can also get 14 day advance scheduling information for all of Five's channels on our website at:


21st Jan 2009, 12:50
It is true that the series has been put on hold after three (of a planned 8) episodes.

I understand that Five was disappointed with the ratings, which might suggest that people like me who think the series is rather good are in the minority.

But I think it's more likely that they've got it wrongly scheduled. On Monday 19 Jan, for instance, it was up against Hunter (final instalment) on BBC1, Unforgiven (2 of 3) on ITV1 and Big Chef Takes on Little Chef (1st of series) on Channel 4.

I think they'll bring it back in the summer, and I hope it'll get better scheduling.

Incidentally, I gather Five's not very good at telling people who might have liked to know it was being pulled - people like the production company Granada, and the Air Force. I would imagine they're not best pleased.


21st Jan 2009, 12:52
Get yourselves over to Discovery and watch Carrier, about life aboard the USS Nimitz. Very watcable although I think it was filmed about 3 years ago.

Last night F-18 pilots were 'practising' rolling deck landings. I think someone said the swell (or pitch) was 30 feet. Quite a number of bolters before they all got down, good F-18 tanking shots too.

22nd Jan 2009, 20:00
If this programme has indeed been put on hold then that is a shame as it does give the public an incite into the lives of some people in AFG, and is keeping the military in the public eye. However, it does portray KAF as a bit of a holiday camp and it appears to the naive watcher that everyone is having a great time! Anyone who has been there will know that this isn't the case, and although there are far too many REMFs that work mon-fri 9-5, have 3 hours for lunch each day and spend the evenings drinking coffee and having takeaway, there are also a vast number of other troops whose AFG experience is incomparable with that of people that work in the benign area that is KAF. I don't think this came across during the programme, and while i appreciate sending camera crews out with troops or aircraft into the green zone just isn't practical, i feel that they could've made more reference to the guys who are actually outside the wire fighting the war, as opposed to those who are effectively at KAF on a jolly to get a medal!

I liked the comment made earlier that only the wearer of a medal knows how just it's award was, however, i suspect this is scant consolation to those who have actually put themselves on the line to earn it, when they see some REMF sporting the exact same medal having never been in any danger during their "tour" in AFG.

22nd Jan 2009, 20:11
If I may be so bold, having been out and about at the time of filming...

I quite agree with many of the sentiments given here. There are plenty of chaps in far more danger than those at KAF, but equally there are many at KAF (thinking CAS/SH/SF etc) that might lay claim to having done the enemy more harm than those elsewhere (who would consider those at KAF REMFs).

I can't help but think that the programme makers have some 'stocking fillers' saved for later that would have caught the imagination and fuelled interest in the programme.

Eight episodes based on the idea that 'life's a breeze out east' was never likely to maintain all that much momentum.

22nd Jan 2009, 21:49
That'll be 'Nigel' and 'Tony' (from the MoD PR Department) promotion prospects up the swanee then!.

23rd Jan 2009, 05:32
either you are a very naive fisherman or something worse. Rather a poor first post which belittles those a long way from home doing their best. Edited to remove waggy finger!

23rd Jan 2009, 16:40
My son is in the regiment over ther now and believe me the film makers have not shown what happens when the reg is on patrol, Im very proud of all of them they are very brave

23rd Jan 2009, 17:19
Speaking as a civilian, I do feel that one of the reasons that the series hasn't proved popular is that the whole campaign against "terrorism" hasn't caught the public imagination. It's something happening far away, and to be frank, the majority of the population are unaffected and indifferent as long as they are still in a job or their dole is being paid.
To the odd person that does read past the first few pages of the newspapers that are devoted to "Big Brother" and MP's expenses or the credit crisis, there may be the feeling of "just what the hell are we doing over there anyway?"
Let's face it, most of the UK population would rather watch 24 hrs of Eastenders and Coronation Street.

23rd Jan 2009, 17:39
I only caught the final 20 minutes of the Warzone programme the other evening, the Thai massage parlour was rather interesting, not sure if the guys knew about the ladyboy:eek:

Carrier has been excellent, probably because narration has been minimal.

24th Jan 2009, 10:30
Thank god it has been taken off our screens - what a load of :mad:

Most unsupecting veiwers would think that the war on terror in Aghanistan revolves around some big t:mad:ed WRAF HR clerk sunbathing, trying to pull in the 'meat' disco, not being too 'military' and occasionally going to Bastion to deliver urgently needed picnic tables.

That or organising fun events and then going for a Thai massage while quoting to camera 'they don't do extras!' - I'm sure they guys in the FOBs would love a rub-down and a w:mad:k!

Not the best PR for KAF and the RAF in particular - should have spent a lot more time with the guys of the RAF Regt who actually perform a worthwhile task, unlike the vast majority of medal chasing REMFs at KAF.

Has anybody ever been anywhere where there are more RAF Officers at SO2 level and above in one MOB?

Good riddance to utter bo:mad:ks television.

24th Jan 2009, 13:20
Has anybody ever been anywhere where there are more RAF Officers at SO2 level and above in one MOB?

Nail - Head!

The (PRT) is similar. I reckon more SO2's commute their each day, than civilians commute to London.

That's why we have a shortage of Airflift/SH. More organisation, more videoconferencing and less SO2's please.

24th Jan 2009, 14:51
I watched the entire 3 episodes to date the other night on the net, and didn't think it was too bad for a channel 5 production. As a civilian it was interesting to see the differences that were shown in KAF and Bastion. Some of the rooms at KAF were hell of a lot better than some of my uni halls too! Not sure if Kate deserved all of the stick she's got on here mind... although at times her complete disregard for any of the rules on base and her apparent 'dippyness' got a bit tiresome by the end of the third episode. But then who am I to say whether it's any good or not!

24th Jan 2009, 15:31
rarelyathome. On this forum, people exchange facts (occasionally) and opinions. Express an opinion is precisely what green_king did and, although it may have displeased you, he should not be belittled nor subject to that patronising waggy finger cartoon thing.

Shiny a**ed blunties can be found in many places. I should know because I'm probably often labeled as one!

Perhaps you'd had a bad day but a few deep, calm breaths and few serene chants of Om may help. If you want to criticise him, why not confine it to his spelling?

24th Jan 2009, 16:00
Get yourselves over to Discovery and watch Carrier,
Which "Discovery" channel is this on? I can't find it listed on the Discovery website. I watched the first few episodes via the Carrier website, until they blocked it to those outside the US.

24th Jan 2009, 16:14
It's on Nat Goeg, chanenel 526 at 1900hrs, but I think it may of been the last one on Friday. I've not had a chance to watch it on the old sky+ yet, but am sure I recall them saying something about returning to home port, so am guessing it may be over!

25th Jan 2009, 08:57
On this forum, people exchange facts (occasionally) and opinions. Express an opinion is precisely what green_king did and, although it may have displeased you, he should not be belittled nor subject to that patronising waggy finger cartoon thing.

Pot to kettle over.

Referring to folk doing their bit as REMFs is far more belittling. There are very many at KAF who, during their tour, spend quite a bit of time out on the ground and in harm's way - and not just the RAF Regt or RBG(S). Sweeping generalisations such as those made by Green King are divisive and don't help.

Perhaps the waggy finger thing was slightly misjudged.

25th Jan 2009, 22:59
"There are very many at KAF who, during their tour, spend quite a bit of time out on the ground and in harm's way - and not just the RAF Regt or RBG"

Does the above mean that there are some who don't "spend quite a bit of time out on the ground and in harm's way" .............hence GK's post should not necessarily be ignored :confused:

25th Jan 2009, 23:25
It's on Nat Goeg,

Thanks. 8 9 10

Mr C Hinecap
27th Jan 2009, 08:51
Those of us 'in the know' may have seen the programme as a big pile of steaming poo, but the target audience didn't. It seems that the recruiting side of things and the RAF careers website have seen a real upturn in business - which would be repeated when it does get shown again. Something good appears to have come of it.

27th Jan 2009, 09:33
Yes, the last Carrier series was a new one and the last episode was last week, but Discovery being Discovery it will no doubt be repeated again straight off....... It was an excellent production and the way they kept launching jets to tank jets who couldn't land was rapidly appearing to be a catch 22 condition........

Some of the people used in the film all had interesting backgrounds, Mum was a hooker and Dad a drug dealer etc.. and you got the feeling some of them were really trying to better themselves....... nice to see they pay them a descent gratuity for extending for 3 years too, though as one of them with the pregnant girlfriend said, he could be paid better working in MacDonalds....

There is a new series started on the FX Channel called Generation Kill and is based on the true story of a US Marine Unit in the Gulf War 2 starting from the build up to war and is on Channel 164 or 165 I think, so you might have missed it being advertised. The first one started on Sunday this last week and is being repeated during the week and it is not to bad at all,
Second episode is 10 PM Sunday, but they are replaying the first one during the week I believe.

27th Jan 2009, 10:23
And Ross Kemp is returning to Afghan which is being shown on Sky 1 from the 1st Feb @2200.

If you wasn't happy with Warzone you can always blame the Oggies.
RAF Reserves - RAF Halton No 7644 Squadron News (http://www.raf.mod.uk/rafreserves/squadrons/rafhaltonno7644squadronnews.cfm?storyid=82AB4BE1-1143-EC82-2E5E36AE416F723B&opener=main)

Although i doubt you can put the editing down them.

27th Jan 2009, 15:44
23:35. Wednesday February 4th. ITV 1.

Following the work of fighter pilots and ground troops in Afghanistan.

27th Jan 2009, 16:27
Just searched the FX channel web site and showing as Generation Kill Wednesday evening at 2300hrs.
Thanks for the heads up, some good viewing coming, hopefully.

12th Jun 2009, 13:49
Retitled to Air Force Afghanistan; edited down from 9 to 6 episodes. Fingers crossed; lets see...

Chan 5 @ 2000.

YouTube - Air Force Afghanistan, Fri 12th June, 8pm, Channel Five (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twEB3QCvO7k)