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View Full Version : Female Pilots

22nd Dec 2008, 10:13
WWW ... Erm ... I think you'll find it's chromosoMes and not chromosoNes, as not only am I a good female pilot (XX chromosome) but an excellent biology teacher :D!

Happy Christmas !!! xxx

22nd Dec 2008, 10:38
"M" and "N" are next to each other on the keyboard; it could well be a bona fide typo.!

On a completely different note, I am genuinely curious to know why a lot of female ppruners choose to make their sex obvious from their login name i.e. "bird", "chick", "girl", "babe" etc?



22nd Dec 2008, 12:52
Let's put it down to either a typo - or the Welsh pronunciation!

The topic is closed - so let's not try to bring it back again. It has nothing at all to do with Professional Pilot Training.