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View Full Version : Merry Xmas and Thanks

The Real Slim Shady
21st Dec 2008, 17:47
Guys and Gals

Whatever the complaints and moans from the press, PPrune etc, it nevertheless, (great ISS word) falls to you to implement Govt policy.

I don't have to agree with Govt policy: I do have to thank you.

Every last one of you.

God bless you, be it God or Allah or Buddha.

I thank you for being there. You are not forgotten.

21st Dec 2008, 19:46
That goes for me and mine also, take care, stay safe and come home after a job well done.


21st Dec 2008, 22:41
It doesn't have to be said, but......

Stay safe and thanks.

22nd Dec 2008, 00:25
You're a whingeing, argumentative, journo-hating bunch of ba$tards...... :=

and my respect and very best wishes go out to all professional UK military aircrew - who are doing a difficult job well, and with matchless style, for the rest of us.


and to Minigun Diplomat, too! :p

22nd Dec 2008, 05:41
In the true spirit of ethnic political correctness and sexual ambiguity/diversity, to avoid offence shouldn't we really be saying "Happy Holiday" or "Merry Winterval"......:hmm:

No, of course we shouldn't! Happy Christmas!!

Emerson Cahooners
22nd Dec 2008, 07:33
In the true spirit of ethnic political correctness and sexual ambiguity/diversity, to avoid offence shouldn't we really be saying "Happy Holiday" or "Merry Winterval"......

Or to use the legal lexicon:

Holiday Greetings to Some and All....

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/ secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all...


A fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2002, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make Great Britain great, (not to imply that Great Britain is necessarily greater than any other country) and without regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith, or sexual preference of the wishee.

By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others, and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher.

This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher.


PPRuNe Pop
22nd Dec 2008, 07:35
Guys and Gals. From all of us here at PPRuNe Towers we wish you in theatre, or serving, a very happy Christmas and a good New Year.

Thank you for all you do. You can guarantee you will all be in our thoughts. Keep safe.

God bless every one of you.

PPRuNe Pop et al.

22nd Dec 2008, 07:52
Including the colonials and allies, even if they are forgotten by some posters here. ;)

Safe holidays mates

22nd Dec 2008, 20:25
From an ex kipper fleet...........keep safe all those in theatre..........don't drink too much all those in the UK ................and good luck in the recession all those out and about in civvy street..............

Merry Christmas

23rd Dec 2008, 08:56
Best wishes to Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.. Hopefully all will be home soon. Wishing everyone a safe Xmas.

23rd Dec 2008, 10:47
To ALL out there putting their lives on the line purely because their government said so, Be safe and have a Happy Christmas.

23rd Dec 2008, 11:39

"and my respect and very best wishes go out to all professional UK military aircrew - who are doing a difficult job well, and with matchless style, for the rest of us."

Not the groundcrew then? :{

23rd Dec 2008, 11:57
Best wishes from me, as Lurkio said, to ALL out there putting their lives on the line purely because their governmentS said so.
Your sacrifices are appreciated.
Have a peaceful Christmas and come home in the New Year.

23rd Dec 2008, 16:08
Happy Christmas,

Heartfelt thanks and here are a few pics that are worth a look. Scroll down each page......

Cool Pictures - Military (http://www.tom-phillips.info/images/cool.pics.military.htm)
Cool Pictures - Military #2 (http://www.tom-phillips.info/images/cool.pics.military.2.htm)
Cool Pictures - Military #3 (http://www.tom-phillips.info/images/cool.pics.military.3.htm)

N Joe
23rd Dec 2008, 19:21
Did my share of OOA in my time resulting in missed birthdays and anniversaries, BUT I got to spend every Christmas at home.

Always grateful to those still serving, but those spending Christmas away from friends and family deserve special thanks :D

N Joe

24th Dec 2008, 07:02
Merry christmas and a happy new year to all who are serving and be safe.The same also to the rest.
To all those that paid the ultamite price RIP and a heart felt thank you we will not be forgotten.
I would also like to pass my thanks and season greetings to anybody from Wotten Bassett who shows their respect to all that return after paying that price a lot of places and others could with following your example.

24th Dec 2008, 07:27
Merry Christmas

24th Dec 2008, 09:35
Merry Christmas one & all.

Trev Marshall:D

24th Dec 2008, 09:55
Best Christmas wishes to all, particularly those out on ops.

Hoping 09 will prove to be a Healthy and Happy year:)

p.s. methinks PPRune needs a new clock for xmas-looks like it's 8 hrs slow!:ok:

24th Dec 2008, 11:32
Merry Christmas to one and all, stay safe who ever and where ever you are and whatever you're up to.

One point though .... I think I have come up with a new aircrew aptitude test - wrapping presents! Why is it regardless of what gifts I buy (all carefully selected with due regard to their shape for ease of wrapping), that they still look like they were wrapped by a drunk baboon after closing time?

Or is it just me???:ok:

Squirrel 41
24th Dec 2008, 17:54
Merry Christmas to all - esp those in the $hitty sandpits of the world.


And stay safe.


mr fish
24th Dec 2008, 22:09
my son's just back from his first tour on telic.
for the past week he's been "rehydrating" in the local, been sick on the stairs, in the bath and the house stinks of uneaten kebab.
his once tidy room looks like a harrier paid a visit and the fridge is nearly empty.
i'm the most proud father on the street and looking forword to my best crimbo in years.
if you read this son "GOD BLESS YA, AND ALL YER MATES":ok:

25th Dec 2008, 06:57
Merry Christmas and thanks.

microlight AV8R
25th Dec 2008, 07:45

Stay safe folks :ok:

25th Dec 2008, 08:13
Stay safe each and everyone of you. al

25th Dec 2008, 09:54
Wishing all active and ex of whatever rank or trade a very merry Christmas, especially those out in the sandpits.

25th Dec 2008, 10:56
My thoughts and prayers to you all. many thanks and merry christmas.

25th Dec 2008, 11:51
To all those currently serving outside UK, have a good one (especially those in KandyBar)


25th Dec 2008, 13:33
For those of you who would like an update on IX(B) Squadron who are away for Christmas this year please see the link below.

RAF Marham - IX (B) Sqn TELIC Update - 18 December 2008 (http://www.raf.mod.uk/rafmarham/aboutus/9sqntelic18dec08.cfm)

Merry Christmas and Safe Flying. Ho ho ho


25th Dec 2008, 17:50
Merry Xmas to all serving personnel, and i hope those serving away stay safe. Many thanks, you`re all very much appreciated, best wishes, thorpey.

25th Dec 2008, 21:31
Sentiments echoed by all at the Grabbers house tonight. Counting our blessings I'm home for once. Stay safe people. You are in the thoughts of this family.:ok:

Pure Pursuit
28th Dec 2008, 19:03
Nearly fell of my chair after reading post #8.

I thought it said 'Torpey'!!!!

Hope you have all had a good Xmas, all the best for a safe 2009.

28th Dec 2008, 21:46
i know the time has passed for merry christmas,though you and yours were at the forefront of my mind throughout the last few days, so i guess what i can wish is all the very best for upcoming year and all the best. stay safe and thankyou from the bottom of my heart for the amazing job you do. i pray that it won't be long before you get to come home and that you all can find some rest and peace in the arms of your family/friends.
to those of us that are left behind, sending you much love to help get you through what i always find a really difficult time.
i am so very proud of our armed services and i think you are all an inspiration. please, please stay safe....