View Full Version : spraying

19th Dec 2008, 22:09
Hi Guys,
just a question. what formula do use to calculate spray rates with R22 Apollo spray gear

20th Dec 2008, 00:31
If you don't know the answer to that yourself then you shouldn't be spraying anything.:=

Sir HC
20th Dec 2008, 01:27
Looking to spray your crop *****?

brett s
20th Dec 2008, 01:53
You should (I would hope!) already know how wide your swath is & your flow rate, your groundspeed is the other variable you need to know to figure it out.

20th Dec 2008, 03:32
Just to clarify things I do have a grade 2 Ag rating put into practice briefly about 20 years ago and to save digging into the books to refresh my memory on a formula I was hardly conversant with I thought this forum might help with a quick answer.

To the Dear Sir with the innuendo about my crop if you know my name I would have hoped you would know also the high ethical standards by which I conduct my life, reflected by my bank balance i might add and know that crops are not in my experience.
On the other hand if you are a mate of mine just being a smart a@#$e pm me and we will swap insults.


20th Dec 2008, 03:45
Apparently your balance is not enough for a 44 :O

Don't take it personal just a joke :)

22nd Dec 2008, 20:53
ground speed km x swath width m
600 = ha's/min

depending on what water rate you want find out your total liters per minute divide that by the number of nozzels , and then divide that buy 4, then hold a bucket under 1 nozzle for 15 seconds and hey presto!:D

Or just buy a flow meter......