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View Full Version : RAF Station Structure - Help req'd

19th Dec 2008, 09:17
Hi all, I need to give a presentation on a typical RAF station and its structure, ie chain of command, wing organisation etc etc. Does anyone have a decent powerpoint on this subject?

Thanks in advance :ok:

19th Dec 2008, 09:30
I could tell you......but it would have changed again by then!:bored:

19th Dec 2008, 09:43
Assuming you are a power point guru and can build the slides yourself - all the information, from the top down, is here (http://www.raf.mod.uk/organisation/index.cfm). You could then select a station at random, lets say Marham (http://www.raf.mod.uk/rafmarham/), and all the info you need is there. Just remember the flying 'squadron' commanders are at the same organisational level as the 'wing' commanders (i,e they don't work for OC Ops Wg). And you will feel so much better knowing you've done the work yourself. May even impress the DS!

Of course as collbar points out this information is correct as of now - by the time you give the presentation it may well be out of date. For example, Marham could have closed ...:E

The Helpful Stacker
19th Dec 2008, 10:03
Are there any stations left that still use the 'Binbrook Model' for their station structure or has LEAN and all manner of other management tripe put paid to that well tested system?

19th Dec 2008, 10:46

Did you mean the much-missed, three-pronged approach which embraced Ops, Eng and Admin Wgs?

It's Not Working
19th Dec 2008, 14:46

What do you mean, 'much missed...?' It's been some 15+ years since I've been on a station, are you saying it's changed?

BŁ00dy purple.

19th Dec 2008, 16:08
The last time they re-opened Chivenor (in 1981 before the pink marigold chaps got their hands on it :p ), one of the best decisions was that there would be no 'Ops' Wing. Instead we had a real Flying Wing and a Wg Cdr Flying, plus 'Dogfood' (DOCFW - Deputy Officer Commanding Flying Wing). 'Station Ops' worked for Wg Cdr Flying and knew its place!

I don't know how long that survived, no doubt by the time they closed heaven-in-Devon it was 'Ops' Wing again?

Back when the RAF still had station telephone directories (and operators), it was always easy to find the Admin Wg pages in the Brize directory; the pages were colour coded and Admin Whinge's were blue - so it was 'Blue for Blunt'!

Some of the wanque-word titles for RAF sections these days are almost hilariously absurd....:mad:

19th Dec 2008, 16:58
You have 3 wings.

Ops - Flyers with foot on accelerator/ATC +Flt Ops with foot on brake

Force Support Wing - Both feet on the accelerator.

Base Support Wing - Both feet on the brake.

19th Dec 2008, 17:31
The basic problem here is that everyone keeps talking about flying.
It's quite a long time since flying was the raison d'etre (Fr. 'Dried Grape of Summer') - surely MOST RAF stations don't actually have an aircraft, let alone a flying wing?

From what I recall of priorities OC Gym was above OC Flying and the SMO, and nobody crossed admin wg.

Al R
20th Dec 2008, 09:40

I remember, after Chivenor was reopened (or as it was in the stages of being reopened), a number of footpaths were needed as new buildings were being built. It was decided not to build the footpaths there and then, but to wait for a few months and then do an aerial recce before deciding where to build. People can be relied upon to find the shortest or the most appropriate route on the ground. Simple!

20th Dec 2008, 11:54
When someone finds out what the 'standard' structure is today could they please post it so the rest of us know!

21st Dec 2008, 11:24
Thanks for the comments, but does anyone have a powerpoint of this?

21st Dec 2008, 11:51
I thought it was you who was doing the presentation?

Which presumably includes doing your own PowerPoint.....

That doesn't surprise me about Chivenor, Al R! But the amount of mud around the place when I ws there would have obscured many footsteps. The Stn Cdr had a moan about aircrew in muddy boots, but nearly had a fit when someone walked in wearing wellies with his flying boots around his neck on bits of string!

21st Dec 2008, 11:59
Quite so, should have tied the laces together.:)

21st Dec 2008, 20:47
No, I said I have to give a presentation, not create a powerpoint.

The powerpoint is more for ideas on how to present it.

is that ok BEagle?

21st Dec 2008, 21:36
Who's asking who the favour?

22nd Dec 2008, 11:00
Iam, its for a presentation I need to give at my Air Cadet sqn. I need to do it for my Staff Cadet examination.


22nd Dec 2008, 14:46
No, as an instructor you are expected to be older than the cadets.

23rd Dec 2008, 07:41
forget it then, thanks for all your help and useful comments.

23rd Dec 2008, 15:50
Shoehorning some pointless crap into a few powerpoint slides is hardly a hardship, is it?

And if you have to surf the web to find the answers, maybe you are not the ideal person to deliver the brief.