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View Full Version : Lyneham Eng Wing Re-Org

12th Dec 2008, 11:40
Well, I was at the meeting and we're doing it again!

24/30 Eng Sqn & 47/70 Eng Sqn
(formerly HLS & FLECS)
(formerly 24/30 & 47/70 Eng Sqn)
(formerly ALSS & BLSS)
(formerly LSSA & LSSB)

are merging to form one engineering sqn.

I asked the question, and believe I have permission to decide the name of the new outfit.

Words to use:-
Engineering (or Rectification)

(should be able to make Horse out of that, all we need is Arse)

er...that's it. No w*nkwords permitted

But hang on a minute

70 Sqn will be the first A400M outfit, so...

24/30/47 Eng Sqn

Add them all up, and what do you get?

101 Eng Sqn

And what site will we be working on at Brize? You've guessed it.

All suggestions welcome

12th Dec 2008, 12:28
Add them all up, and what do you get?Three Squadrons equals a Wing. Lets call it Line Engineering Wing.

Then Engineering Wing can be a Group... ;)

12th Dec 2008, 12:32
Maybe you'll get an MBE or OBE for helping to reinvent the wheel.

Come on N Joe - you must have a contribution on this one!

12 twists per inch
12th Dec 2008, 12:52
When you do eventually end up at Brize we can all be:



12th Dec 2008, 13:31

I know this is thread drift, but your post reminds me of the Training Wing Audit Team created many years ago by the Rock Apes at Catterick. It wasn't until they had painted OC TW*T in the boss's car parking space that they had a rethink!:ok:

12th Dec 2008, 13:36
Ok, bosses speeches aside, is this good or bad? Realistic or promotion driven?

12th Dec 2008, 13:58
Does anyone really care? That's the way it is these days!:bored:

12th Dec 2008, 14:25
"We trained hard, but it seemed that every time we were beginning to form up into teams we would be reorganised. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganising, and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress, while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization."

Caius Petronius, AD 66.

12th Dec 2008, 14:56

Best I could do for now... Better adjectives beginning with O, anyone?

12th Dec 2008, 15:01
Air Transport Operational Service Support Engineering Resource

Eoghan Quinn
12th Dec 2008, 15:58
Wont the have to re organise to repair the cracks that have appeared in the wings of the J Models? Talk of the fleet being grounded soon if they continue.

12th Dec 2008, 16:20
Sounds like reorganisation for the sake of it by sombody chasing promotion. I can think of a similar reorganisation of another more well known unit at the same base that has gone through the same trouble and emerged with a more tendy and punchy name which has proved to be of no benifit to the organisation or customer.

12th Dec 2008, 20:22
Maybe not this time

Staish and OC Eng were at pains to point out that they requested and needed the help of the SNCO's (this was a meeting in the Sgt Mess)

(Cauis Petronius was a SNCO)

Both gave polished and brave performances with only a couple of slip-ups. Staish may later regret suggesting that engineers don't work very hard, but he is after all, aircrew. And OC Eng used a couple of w*nk words.

I'll forgive him for saying something about 'blue sky thinking' and I have 'big handfuls' of respect for being able to stand in front of 100 disgruntled SNCO's and take questions for 2 hours.

We were even 15 mins late for twofers!


Much in the same way that the OJ Simpson car chase trumped the opening of the Olympics -

Twofers clashed wth a section Xmas party, and a young buxom lass demostrated placing a pint pot in her cleavage and yamming the contents, thus trumping the following morning's crewroom discussions. How shallow. Apart from her cleavage, that wasn't shallow.

Anyway, I'm thinking we're all working for the turd polishing department.

Hercules Engineering Sqn, Turd Polishing Dept

N Joe
12th Dec 2008, 21:05

Never one to pass up an invite, I would like to say "about time too". It's over two years since the last reorg. I'm not there to help this time, but would like to offer my top 10 lessons-learned from the last time:

1. Take the 24/30 signs off the hangar wall straight away. Hide them ready to use when the sqn reforms.
2. Get some random civvy that's never been near an airfield to facilitate the reorganisation (RAF engineers can't do it, as they think it's more complicated than "ac lands, ac gets fixed, ac takes off again")
3. If one of the SEngOs raises concerns, pat him on the head and say in your most patronising voice "Poor SEngO, he just doesn't understand, does he".
4. Kick the engineers out of at least one hangar and give it to the suppliers, or to a local businessman, or both.
5. Offset the loss of hangarage by giving the engineers mini-caravans to live in.
6. While the sqns are trying to cope with the chaos, steal some of their junior ranks and send them to guard Bentley Priory.
7. Remember, reorganisation "is the day-job".
8. Put J/K cross training of the sooties last on the to do list.
9. Once it's all finished, promote OC Eng and award him (her?) an OBE.
10. And don't forget to promote SPHLC too!

N Joe

12th Dec 2008, 22:07
I'm going to break with tradition and suggest that those who are in a position to do so draw a line in the sand, acknowledge that another re-org is counter-productive, and instead look to better utilise available assets without the superficial attraction of renaming everything.

Are these people not busy enough FFS?

Even better, how about the ProjO for anything that 'requires' renaming goes to see his 1-star, and if the rename/re-org sounds like a load of old bolleaux, said ProjO is demoted. I suspect this might be an antidote for superficial nonsense...

13th Dec 2008, 01:52
:*Oh deep Fu**ing joy..... Now, where have we seen this before, it fail miserably, and now we are doing it all again!! Why do we never learn? :ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:.. Bollox to it, 2 and a bit years to do, not interested anymore, can't wait to get out :(...

13th Dec 2008, 11:54
How about everyone that isn't an officer simply refuses to do anything not related to making the planes fly?

And the officers have the backbone to support them...

What will they do, court marshall and lock up the entire station?

Lyneham Lad
13th Dec 2008, 13:25
How about everyone that isn't an officer simply refuses to do anything not related to making the planes fly?

Middle English sedicioun, from Anglo-French sediciun, from Latin sedition-, seditio, literally, separation, from sed-, se- apart + ition-, itio act of going, from ire to go — more at secede, issue
14th century

: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority :=

Hat, coat, door...

13th Dec 2008, 13:48
The late RETDPI Senior ( A 39 Entry Halton Brat), reckoned that it was the introduction of Centralised Servicing in the early 50's (plus National Servicemen) that drove him to despair and out into civil life.
Incidentally he often reminded me that Cauis Petronius (Arbiter) committed suicide: "In order to avoid being assassinated".

There's humour in there , somewhere.

L1A2 discharged
13th Dec 2008, 19:56
Hows about SERCo?



14th Dec 2008, 15:49
F:mad:g great!


C130K retires in 3 years - is it worth a reshuffle?

24/30 Eng will prevail when they eventually go to Brize and the rumoured 5 year delay to A400M will give the RAF time to train the K engineers on the J model.

This might even mean full manning on the J line.

Until the wings fall off the wagon.........

15th Dec 2008, 05:59
Lyneham eng wing is ripe for a Black Adder sketch! Served in all the forms, A and B line. The great old days!! Every 7 years it’s a f*** about. Last really big one was by that stupid Women 'Wiseman'. What a laugh :}: D

15th Dec 2008, 19:56
YouTube - Mad'Donna "The Wheels On The Bus" (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=YsRPTy-TtF4)

Says it all methinks ... :(

5th Oct 2009, 19:41
From today

Formerly - 24/30 Eng Sqn & 47/70 Eng Sqn
(formerly HLS & FLECS)
(formerly 24/30 & 47/70 Eng Sqn)
(formerly ALSS & BLSS)
(formerly LSSA & LSSB)

wait for it...

33 Eng Sqn Support

We had our chance, on this very thread, but we couldn't be bothered!

Lyneham was previously 33MU, so that's why.

Apparently this outweighs the risk of all our priority demands going to Odiham by mistake.

I have nothing more to add to this, my spirit was broken some time ago.

Could be the last?
5th Oct 2009, 19:51
A very poor attempt at a wah...................

5th Oct 2009, 20:13
Could be the last?

A very poor attempt at a wah...................

Not being an aircrew, I'm only vaguely familiar with the schoolboy antics on the flight deck, but if I was right, what is the significance of you Wah-ing my non-wah?

Sven Sixtoo
5th Oct 2009, 20:49
Last time I looked, 33 were flying Pumas out of Benson.

Just had a conversation with an Eng mate at Lyn. His success today was getting a desk in the 4-wall space that is now his office. No phone / computer / documents. Just a desk.


5th Oct 2009, 20:56
SPHLC, I have to agree totally with you, having been at Lyneham for almost a decade, I have seen numerous reshuffles, and just as they are working well we get moved again :ugh::ugh::ugh: There is a BIG feeling of de-ja-vu, and the money is on being split again by 2011....

Personally (and also the view of a lot of techies) is that we have lost our identity as the Herc force, 33 means nothing to anyone, and being confused with a Helicopter Sqn will not help anyone :ugh:...

less than two to do thankfully :{

5th Oct 2009, 23:27
Holy F**k!! could nobody think of a better number than 33? I am astounded by the stupidity of that decision. re-org is one thing and with it comes pain, but calling it 33 is adding in unnecessary risk to the change.

the hard-working lads at Lyn have my sincere sympathy on this one.

Blighter Pilot
6th Oct 2009, 05:02
Re-shuffle at Odiham and Benson Announced

Puma Eng Line now re-numbered 47 Eng Sqn
CH-47 Eng Line now re-numbered LXX Eng Sqn

Deployed Eng Det now under the guise of 2430 Eng Wing

Centralised Rotary Deep Maintainence now called 57(R) Eng Sqn

They wouldn't stand for it so why have we?????

33 Eng Sqn - :mad:

Another little bit of Lyneham destroyed.

6th Oct 2009, 10:11
obviously in readiness for the big move, destroy everything that relates to Lyneham, I wouldn't be surprised if the flying squadrons are next, Do we really need so many when you consider how many aircraft are airworthy, anyone like to guess what they will re-org the flying squadrons into? One or two squadrons and which number??

6th Oct 2009, 11:58
Unbeleivable, I thought that was the end when that "Women" made a complete cluster last time, is this somebody else after their promotion and OBE then.?

Why can't people just leave things alone that work.

As to the title 33 Eng Sqn Support, how do 33 Sqn Puma Engineers feel about that?

Blighter Pilot
6th Oct 2009, 12:49
I wouldn't be surprised if the flying squadrons are next, Do we really need so many when you consider how many aircraft are airworthy, anyone like to guess what they will re-org the flying squadrons into? One or two squadrons and which number??

All four sqns, 24,30,47 and LXX are moving to Brize according to the Future Brize blurb on the website(s)

6th Oct 2009, 12:50
Unbeleivable, I thought that was the end when that "Women" made a complete cluster last time, is this somebody else after their promotion and OBE then.?

Why can't people just leave things alone that work.

As to the title 33 Eng Sqn Support, how do 33 Sqn Puma Engineers feel about that?

Maybe there are plans afoot for a future amalgamation ot the two outfits:eek:

6th Oct 2009, 14:44
ok so all sqns move to brize, then renamed as 85.5 sqn thats all the numbers added up and halved - bound to save some money then.....

only need one sqn boss, one scribbly etc. they could even save more money if they stopped promoting people for the sake of it, and promoted to fill vacancies. IE one Squadron - one squadron leader.
Senior pilot - one flight lt maybe two
Senor nav - oh no dont need them anymore
Senior air eng - oh no dont need them either
senior ALM - one or maybe two WO aircrew
rest can simply be flying officers, thats what they do, fly and eat hob nobs, drink tea..........

6th Oct 2009, 19:47
Okay..... I think I get the joke now

I've called one of my Tool Chests "208 Eng Sqn"

Now, where's 209 gone?

7th Oct 2009, 08:01
Well if they are going to combine things to reform old units lets just go the whole hog and do something like this...


7th Oct 2009, 09:35
what is the significance of you Wah-ing my non-wah?
Can one Wah a non-Wah? One can only Pooh-pooh a non-Wah, Shirley?
Or Syph on his Donk (if he's a Sooty).

Right, that's the Septics tied in knots then.

ivor toolbox
7th Oct 2009, 12:48
LSS (A/B) and AES when I woz there, what was wrong with that....
another case of Petronius syndrome methinks

If their high and mightyships are so hung up on number plates, whats wrong with re-instating the 'old' MU title, call it 33 MU, the name says it all, does what it says on the tin,maintains aeroplanes


7th Oct 2009, 15:13
I served it up on a plate on post # 1 of this thread

Words to use:-
Engineering (or Rectification)

(should be able to make Horse out of that, all we need is Arse)

er...that's it. No w*nkwords permitted

But hang on a minute

70 Sqn will be the first A400M outfit, so...

24/30/47 Eng Sqn

Add them all up, and what do you get?

101 Eng Sqn

And what site will we be working on at Brize? You've guessed it.

At the very first meeting I said to the Wing Commander, and this is a direct quote -

'Sir, can we name our new outfit ourselves, instead of one of the Officers dreaming up something daft while he's in the bath'

He agreed we could, we couldn't be bothered, so we only have ourselves to blame.

Re: The Wah/Non-Wah/Pooh Pooh

I thought the gentleman might be claiming that I was having a larf, but now realise he might have been concerned that I got 33 Sqn mixed up Odiham/Benson

I have only played the Wah game once, and my victory was so spectacular I have never seen the need to play again. Had an overnight in Bucharest on the way to war, and we had a 20 year old holding officer, keen to impress as they always are. Having not yet failed enough flying training in order to be posted to Hercules, he had never met a Ground Engineer before, certainly not a 19 stone specimen. Wah-ing had been occuring amongst the imbecile aircrew, and I quietly confessed that I had no idea what was going on. He took great delight in explaining the intricacies of the game after which I delivered a 500 decibel WAH! Being lead imbecile, this embarrassed him hugely in front of his aircrew chums, and 8 pints of Tuborg later, he offered me outside, to 'put me on my arse'. I couldn't take him up on his offer, for laughing.

7th Oct 2009, 15:32
Having not yet failed enough flying training in order to be posted to Hercules,
Classic mate.:ok::)

8th Oct 2009, 13:50
Yes, I copyright that advanced banter, but it can be modified to suit all purposes. Its amazing just how many levels of failure the aircrew are allowed to commit before they get to work in Ops. That's why they introduced the retention scheme, some of them were getting to Sqn Ldr before they'd done a productive days work.

There I go again...:}

8th Oct 2009, 14:02
Is that Group Captain Eng bird being posted back to EGDL to oversee the operation/transformation; after all she's got lots of experience of how well it all went the first time round--it'd be a shame for someone else to rediscover the wheel.

Long Drop
8th Oct 2009, 15:02

Our lack of skill may have caused us to fail, but it was your lack of eating salad that caused a ladder stressed to 150kg to fail.

8th Oct 2009, 21:46
Now that, is funny ! :E

Nope, I think that is a bite :E

8th Oct 2009, 22:46
oh definitely a bite, but very funny !

I shall ask him at tomorrows top table :ok:

9th Oct 2009, 09:06
Is that Group Captain Eng bird being posted back to EGDL...

I have heard she is the 'corporate secretary' for DSTL (http://www.dstl.gov.uk/index.php)

11th Oct 2009, 14:12
Open source (google) 18 months ago

Group Captain C******* G***, RAF, Assistant Director Defence Logistics

21st Oct 2009, 20:05
Big DH,
If you don't like "obscurely", how about "operationally" or "organisationally"?

17th Feb 2010, 14:18
Just a random thought...

I have a feeling than 'Lean' originated from Toyota!

Look what a mess they're in!