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View Full Version : How is the Big Dog (NJ) doing?

11th Dec 2008, 22:04
With all this talk of slow down, I wonder if any of my colleagues know how the Big Dog is doing?

dangerous Good
12th Dec 2008, 13:31
The big Dog like the rest of us is feeling the pinch, however I have a brother just coming to the end of his 6 day tour and he's flown 4 out of the 6! Not as busy as it was a few months ago but certainly ticking over!

I guess we just have to wait and see.


12th Dec 2008, 15:49
CFMU shows 150-odd sectors today; I believe NJE fleet is c.140 acft; looks like half the fleet on the ground today and other half flying 2 sectors averaged. Believe it got as low as 110 sectors on some days over the last fortnight. I would guess that would have been 400+ sectors in high season but maybe someone can post their record in a day?

12th Dec 2008, 19:54
The reduction of flying legs/times is pretty normal in this time of the year. It is the "crisis" and news speculation that makes people think that because there is a reduction of flights, it's because of the crisis. This has to be evaluated in the long term, not right now. In NJE, this time of the year is pretty normal that flights are a bit lower in volume. It is better to ask how January, February and March are gonna be. Ski season will provide a good idea on how NJE REALLY is doing. Still, according to some info I got at NJE, the average traffic (till around a month ago) was equivalent to 2006 values with around a reduction of around 10-20% (might not be very precise...) of their traffic expectations. From my prespective, the "crisis" suits a lot of people. The same kind of people that go on their private acft's to ask governement funding to "help save the company". In a few months, everyone will have forgotten about it and everything will go back to what it was a year ago. People don't wanna use a lot of their flying time so that it doesn't look bad to other people's eyes... Anyway, why did the whole world go bankrupt all of the sudden? There were no problems before? As we all know, many are using the "crisis" as an excuse for their difficulties, and everyone is trying to get the most money they can from "official" support. When I say everyone, I obviously mean the "big sharks". Anyway, just my prespective that is, of course, valid as any other opinion! Wish all companies the best, specially because behind the bad/greedy management, there is real people who base their lives on the company they work for. Wish you all the best!