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View Full Version : MCC at European Aviation Bournemouth

5th Dec 2008, 14:30
Have literally (about a few hours ago) completed a MCC at European in Bournemouth. A lot of friends had told me that the MCC was just a 'tick in the box' and that you didn't pass or fail or it didn't matter about where and how you did it.

I feel that at my age I've been round the block but this was a real eyeopener (for me as an apprentice in this business) into real jet airliner ops.

The sim sessions were excellent as were the instructors. I thought I knew how to fly until I jumped into the very nicely kept 737-200 sim and then brain farted my way from t/o sid star and all the rest.

The quality and demeanour of the instructors was superlative as was the level of engineering support when we managed to 'confuse' the machine on occasion.

After this experience I'm glad I made the decision to go European (I'm from N. Ireland) because I do believe that due to the course content you'll definitely not be shocked if you get called for sim check. This course not only prepares you for working in the multi pilot environment but prepares you for what you may expect in any future job assessment.

In my humble opinion don't even consider a sim check without having a go at this - you'll be well prepared.

Can't recommend these guys and girls at European highly enough - I don't think any self respecting pilot would turn their nose up at this outfit - professionals are they!:ok::ok::ok::ok::ok:

5th Dec 2008, 15:07
didn't they just go bust or was that just the airline??

Flying Squid
5th Dec 2008, 15:50
European went into administration about a week ago. The future there looks bleak, shame because I had heard that their MCC courses etc were bloody brilliant!

Dougle Mcguire
5th Dec 2008, 17:13
Dont worry guys, the MCC operation is a seperate company to the airline. All very complicated but believe me they are seperate.

5th Dec 2008, 17:35
The MCC is done under the TRTO. The airline went bust but not the training side of the group. The MCC is still runing big time. They don't advertise for their MCC because they don't need to!! How's that !

5th Dec 2008, 17:38
Glad to hear that the MCC will continue. There aren't many bargains in commercial flight training, but European's MCC is just about the best value for money I've ever come across. :ok:

5th Dec 2008, 20:29
If I'm not mistaken they're now trading under the name of European Skybus and are now a completely separate company. A bit of a shame really because we got to meet a couple of guys that flew the 737-200s and they were a mine of info for all sorts of type rating stuff that's handy for the sim as well as getting shown round a real one that was out on the apron - unexpected bonus!

Hopefully there's light at the end of the tunnel!

5th Dec 2008, 21:08
Got a link to their website ?.


5th Dec 2008, 22:17
I did the first ever MCC at European in 1999 on the TriStar and right back then they were still the dogs dangly bits. Why pay for a BE200 which is essentially single crew when you can fly the big stuff?

ford cortina
6th Dec 2008, 08:47
Agreed, I remember the Tristar with fond memories. :ok:

6th Dec 2008, 16:13
Well - I've had the pleasure of spending 20 hours sat next to brownbox on the MCC and I have to say the feeling is mutual - the whole operation is very professional, never was an instructor late and very little tech issues with the sim itself.

I had a few people reccomend european to me andI will do now also. 10/10.

And to whoever asked for a website :

MCC Courses | Flight Training | European Aviation (http://www.eaac.co.uk/flight_training/mcc_courses.jsp;jsessionid=CBD7D6D6735B020A903E935F41F37084)

8th Dec 2008, 09:00
Well - as the guy who sat next to brownbox on the 20hr course ("Speedbrake is to correct my mistakes- not yours!") I have to totally agree with his post.

The people at european are a very professional outfit and I didn't get any sense of it being a "tick in the box" to them, it was well organised and I have nothing but good to speak of it. All in all a very good course with very good instructors.

And for Leezyjet:
MCC Courses | Flight Training | European Aviation (http://www.eaac.co.uk/flight_training/mcc_courses.jsp;jsessionid=CBD7D6D6735B020A903E935F41F37084)

8th Dec 2008, 16:32
Errr, didn't European go bust last week?

8th Dec 2008, 18:17
Ohhh someone not been reading their threads

9th Dec 2008, 13:35
Ohhh someone not been reading their threads

You're right. Sorry about that!