View Full Version : ADS-B low level subsidy – don’t mention it

Dick Smith
3rd Dec 2008, 20:47
What has happened to the decision on the low level $100 million ADS-B subsidy? I was told by people at Airservices that an announcement would be made by the Minister at the time of the Green Paper. However if you read the Green Paper, it makes no mention of this subsidy other than stating that CASA will now be making a decision in relation to ADS-B.

Does this mean the incredible hype for this $100 million subsidy has just fallen over without a comment from anyone on the decision making side at Airservices, CASA or the Department?

3rd Dec 2008, 21:18
I think this may have gone to the back burner at AA. Desperate shuffling of deck chairs at the moment just to keep all the sectors open I would think, thus pushing long term projects out of sight.

Air Ace
3rd Dec 2008, 21:46
Did Government, DoT, ASA or CASA ever suggest subsidies may be available, or was it merely speculation by the media or vested interest groups?

If the later, it is understandable Government does not acknowledge any subsidy.