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View Full Version : Sluggish mouse

1st Dec 2008, 21:50
Can anyone shed any light on why my wireless mouse has suddenly become sluggish when navigating a few websites - notably youtube & facebook?

MS Mouse, vista sp1, no downloads/system changes since this began & neither have I moved the infra red receiver. Mouse sits no more than metre from the receiver.

2nd Dec 2008, 01:42
Is it just a few sites?

If it was for all windows apps (excluding ones which use their own mouse interface) then its simply a case of increasing the mouse sensivity in the control panel (or Vista equiv)

Personally, I find Facebook absolutely diabolical.....slow, page scrolls are jerky, stuff doesnt load...

2nd Dec 2008, 07:55
Well, most noticeable in those two, but it occurs when sites are loading into the browser. I mention it with fb & youtube because as you say, they are data heavy pages, so I can see the effect as more pronounced.

A you tube page may load for example for up to a minute as the streaming video data is transferred and while that is going on, the mouse becomes fairly unresponsive.

Didn't used to do it, now it does??

2nd Dec 2008, 08:20
After trying everything I could think of to fix mine I broke down and put in a new battery. Good as new now.

2nd Dec 2008, 20:29
You may have inadvertently hovered your mouse over GreenGranite's posting about the mouse's 40th birthday, in which case it has thought '****, if dog years are times seven for human age, how old does that make me? - decrepit!

green granite
3rd Dec 2008, 06:52

10th Dec 2008, 08:27
Ok, charged batteries. No good. Replaced batteries. No good. Still the same problem that as the browser receives data, the mouse becomes unresponsive. Anyone at all??:confused:

11th Dec 2008, 14:18
I had the same problem - The adapter thingy which the mouse has to "connect" to had dropped down the back of the desk. Could it be that?

Took me ages to realize after several battery changes etc.

Just to add - my wireless mouse came with a small receiver that connects via a long usb lead to the tower.

green granite
11th Dec 2008, 14:55
Open up task manager before your browser and see what programs are hogging the resources when the mouse is on a go slow.

11th Dec 2008, 19:17
Not enough time to work that out. In the end I rebuilt it to add tv pack to the media centre. Just brought foward a planned update is all. Whatever it was, it's gone away.

26th Aug 2010, 12:44
I can NOT shed light on Why, in fact I am looking for the answer on that myself here:


At that URL you'll find the solution - just put Vista to sleep. Actually, it is not a real solution, just a fastest workaround so far.

IT still takes a while because, well, the mouse is sluggish, duh!

So let me know if you find a better solution, you can post it here, there or both!

Thanks in advance