View Full Version : Dubai: New Iconic developments even in hard times

Dropp the Pilot
26th Nov 2008, 10:23
This is cut and paste from a local blog. The last line is a killer! From the people who brought you Trinny Woodall and the fire-works of the century...

'The Poo Lagoons

An iconic new development folks.

The Poo Lagoons.

In another of our Great Moments In Planning, the planners forgot to include sewage treatment plants in Dubai's Master Plan.

As has been extensively reported, tanker drivers have been unwilling to queue all day at our one and only treatment plant and have been dumping their unpleasant loads anywhere they could.

Beaches have been closed, boaties have been unable to sail and Dubai's vital tourist trade hasn't been helped by the international coverage of it.

But now we have a 'medium term solution' - a big hole in the ground where 500 tankers a day can discharge.

No, sorry, not a hole in the ground. It's 'a temporary lagoon which has been engineered, with contractors working on it'.

The site will be aerated naturally with only preliminary treatment. Reeds and bamboo will be planted to transfer oxygen to the sewage and help break it down.

'Aerated naturally'? That means leaving it open to the elements doesn't it? As I commented on Alexander's post on the subject, several trillion flies are likely to call it home.

Five hundred tankers a day, each with thousands of litres to discharge. These are going to be big lagoons folks.

But nicely landscaped with greenery.

And I must say I was amused by this comment from the director of the treatment plant.

He said "this technology is commonly used in countries that cannot afford proper facilities or infrastructure."'

The blog is at http://dubaithoughts.*************/ and merits an occasional perusal.

No it's not me.

Von Richtofen
28th Nov 2008, 03:18
Ya.. I want to buy a very nize property with a view on the **** Lagoon...

28th Nov 2008, 05:26
"Sir, dear 380 Captain, master of the skies and flyovers, what are those tiny boats escorting the QE2?" - "Dear eager but ignorant First Officer. Those are by no means boats, those are sewage dumplings."

Rumour has it, that the two sexualy active Brits have not been released due to compassion. Apparently they have to get sent to the UK for a very special treatment of bacteriological infection on her back and his hands.

28th Nov 2008, 09:05
I say, are you swimming in there ? No, no just going through the motions.
In between this & the financial axe about ( ? ) to come crashing down it ain't exactly the heaven on earth some of my European colleagues imagine. Concrete jungle in the middle of the desert maybe, but paradise ? :=