View Full Version : What Motivates You?

26th Nov 2008, 06:34
Hi All,

Have a question for everyone...what motivates you about your job?? What aspects of your job are the most enjoyable? Pretty general...would love to here from a crew perspective and also from cabin manager/supervisors perspective also!


26th Nov 2008, 06:55
Money and the love of the job/company I work for

26th Nov 2008, 09:22
the great people i work with!

plus the fact that at least i have a job to go to...

26th Nov 2008, 10:17
1. Seeing satisfied passengers
2. Having the resources to be able to go above and beyond
3. A great roster

26th Nov 2008, 10:35
the holidays, the time off and the money, and the 'get off the plane forget about work aspect'.

and also the fact they are they most beautiful machines in the world to work on!

26th Nov 2008, 11:50
Id Tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26th Nov 2008, 14:11
The sheer joy of walking through the arrivals hall of some hot and sunny far off place whilst picking up my suitcase and walking past all my passengers that have paid a fortune for their holiday of a lifetime. :ok:


26th Nov 2008, 14:43
I must agree that it's a nice feeling after a long haul flight to go through immigration in a breeze past all those ungreatfull (not all lol) passengers.

Plus it's the best job in the world all things equal elsewhere.

Happy Flying to all !

26th Nov 2008, 23:20
1. Money
2. Staff travel
3. Good trips
4. Days off
5. Money
6. Money
7. Money

urm.... and money, did i mention it?

27th Nov 2008, 00:33
1. The view!!!!!!!
2. Not having to face 9-5 peak hr traffic ect
3. Working with a great bunch of crew!
4. Nice Passengers and being able to make them smile.
5. The variety of shifts.
6. The days off and working less than the average 40hr week :P
7. Oh and the money isnt too bad either!


27th Nov 2008, 02:33
Time off
Staff travel

That's pretty much it. I couldn't fly again for an airline that didn't have nightstops and the nightstops need to be somewhere civilised where I can get to a mall and a decent gym.

I think I've been spoilt by BA LHR WW.

27th Nov 2008, 18:44
Being paid and the travel. Hate everything else.

27th Nov 2008, 19:36
- the fact that i do something "different" than the majority.
- the everyday challenge
- the nice (rare, but ever so delightful) PAX i get to meet, care for and look after.
- the (majority) of great crew i have the pleasure to work with; great crew always makes a difference, no matter how bad your day was.
- the feeling i have when i leave the a/c, after being there, in body and soul ,for a special pax, and knowing I've done everything i could to make their flight special.
- the steady roster
- THE MONEY!!!!!! ( bwoy do we work hard, hence the money are so good)
- the uniform (what can i say, i just look good in the uniform:})


PS1: I'm sure there's more, but I'm so tired after earlies, i can't even type properly!:(

PS2: I'm telling you, earlies should be banned! They should make flying Mon-Fri, 9 to 5! ( i know, I'm a dreamer, but I'm allowed, right?)

27th Nov 2008, 23:00
You have money in the bank!!!!:eek:

Who do you work for, cos I want a job there! :{


29th Nov 2008, 09:00
1) The Money

26th Dec 2008, 09:34