View Full Version : Cathay Training News update

24th Nov 2008, 08:49
New programs from the fleet offices are being instituted over the coming months to assist in the training of new commanders. "F-uture A-viation R-emedial T-training" or "FART" will be conducted. Like a fart it makes a noise, stinks and then you just hope it goes away. Very experienced and old checkers and trainers whom have been here many MANY MANY years will FART DUST or "D-irect U-nder S-trict-T-olerances". Checkers and trainers who have been here a very long time should know when to QUIT or "Q-uitely U-ndergo I-ntense T-herapy". These programs should enstill confidence in any command trainee with the goal to ensure a questionable outcome. :D

Arfur Dent
24th Nov 2008, 09:58
Oh Dear!! Is that what currently purports to be wit? :mad: !!