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View Full Version : CAA/IAA Training

20th Nov 2008, 20:02
Hi there ppruners,
was wondering if anyone can help me out. I have a CAA PPL and am studying for my ATPL exams with Bristol. All going well and I pass the 14, can I then go and do my CPL and IR in PTC Waterford and have a fATPL that will be valid???

20th Nov 2008, 21:29

You will be grand doing it that way. The IAA and CAA have a bilateral agreement so you can train in either country with either license.

I was in the same boat a last year with a CAA PPL and did my CPL in Ireland and just brought it into the IAA and they gave me a new IAA License. Any questions ring a girl called Lorraine in the Licensing Department in the IAA. She knows everything about everything to do with licenses...... And very helpful too.

Best Of Luck
