View Full Version : Spanish flight training books/manuals - WANTED

14th Nov 2008, 03:47
Spanish flight training books/manuals - WANTED

I'd like to get hold of Spanish flight training book. (written, doesn't have to be from Spain, but..)
Purely for getting more familiar with lots of aviation terms. I can't find anything suitable on Amazon and friend (pilot) of my Argentinean Spanish teacher only replied to her email with Spanish aeronautical dictionary (I can't see on Amazon anyway).

I tried to search on Amazon using both English and Spanish.
Traslating word by word is bloody boring. Pictorial dictionary pages from 'air transport' just aren't enough.

Is there any online shop in Spain I could check out?
I'd also be happy to read stuff on gliding (planeadores), helicopters, any flying.
I could also ask friend to buy them for me and bring it over if it's available for Spain delivery only or only in some specialised shop. Zaragoza, Barcelona or Madrid possible.

Thanks a lot.

22nd Nov 2008, 09:59
Hi Martinch

You can take a look on www.aeroteca.com (http://www.aeroteca.com/presentacio/index.php?llengua=en) it is a shop in Barcelona. They have a search engine on their web, so you look for books, dvd, videos pilots supplies....


25th Nov 2008, 07:56
Hi there , thereis a good book shop in Madrid ,cuatrovientos airport,which I´m sure they have what you are looking for ,check their web page on :
www.buckerbook.com (http://www.buckerbook.com)
Good luck .

25th Nov 2008, 11:42
Aerodinamica y Actuaciones del Avion (Anib. I. CARMONA) en venta en eBay.es (finaliza el 02-dic-08 12:26:58 H.Esp) (http://cgi.ebay.es/Aerodinamica-y-Actuaciones-del-Avion-Anib-I-CARMONA_W0QQitemZ190269421037QQcmdZViewItemQQptZFlugzeuge_Te ile?hash=item190269421037&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A895%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318)

3rd Dec 2008, 00:57

Guys at Aerodinamica got back with aeroteca website. Just bit pricey delivery to UK for one or two books. Well, will see, may ask colleague to bring one sent to Spain. I'll check out the other website mentioned here.

30th Jan 2009, 07:28
Thank you all guys.
I'm about to book flights for a trip to BCN/MAD one or other direction.
I think I'd rather check the books out myself. Plus postage to the UK is pretty costly.

Exchange rate GBP/EUR etc sucks, but..

I'm going nuts in this crap weather (Northern Ireland, that is).

One more question.

Which books are the most common/famous/useful for ab-initio airplane training? I'm going to have a look at systems, air law, etc as well, although I'd need aviation Spanish and knowledge in the language for Argentina :)

I'll unwind, get a bit of sun, hopefully see a person or two along the way.

Bucker Book website isn't as convenient and searching doesn't yield much.
Is it supposed to be in Southern part of Cuatrovientos or Northern?
I don't drive so I'm pedestrian outside cockpit. I didn't see it myself.

I've been there over year ago, heading to that big museum (some choppers there) only to find out it was too late to manage to backtrack and make it to the other side (runways and motorway being a problem).
I jumped off the bus and walked through a small park and one of the flight schools. At least I checked out BO105 taking off, other aircraft and talked to a nice chap in that small museum with some old biplanes, WWII etc.

16th Feb 2009, 07:55
I have 5 PPL book for sale, 2 years all but never used. I bought them to teach but I never teached.

120€ all PM if you are interested or someone

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