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View Full Version : JAA NQ needed for a FAA PPL to do JAA CPL?

13th Nov 2008, 07:06
I'm considering doing the FAA PPL so i can do the JAA CPL (SEP) in the US.

However to be able to do the JAA CPL i need:

Hold a U.K. radiotelephony license.

Holder of U.K. JAA Night Qualification.

And ofcours ATPL Theory done, Have completed a qualifying cross country flight of 300 nautical miles ....
However, if i did the FAA PPL, how can i add JAA NQ to the PPL? Sounds weird:).

What more must i think of if i want to do the JAA CPL with a FAA PPL?


13th Nov 2008, 07:41
You do not need to add night. What you need for CPL is an ICAO PPL with night privalages, which is "built in" with the FAA PPL.

I would say that the night training that I got in the US is not very good. I would consider doing the NQ here to be a better pilot. Also with minimum hours you would not have 5 hours night for the CPL issue.

13th Nov 2008, 08:25
Excellent! Because FAA PPL is cheaper and i guess easier to achieve.

I'm not much into making it with minimum time. I want to do it well. So adding a couple of hours to the NQ is not an issue.

However there is another question i'd appreciate having answered. How many hours can i count in when i fly with the FAA PPL for the JAA CPL?

I know for a JAA CPL you will need minimum 150h including certain amount of PIC, cross country etc...
Can i count ALL hours i fly with the FAA PPL (and correct type of flying that is 100h pic, cross country...) for the JAA CPL?


13th Nov 2008, 09:14
Hey there,

What exactly does a radiotelephony licence mean?
I have an Icao PPL and working torwards my frozen ATPL.
When and how can I get such a licence?

I am considering OFT and OBA in Florida, can I obtain it there?

Thanks alot,


13th Nov 2008, 14:33
What you need for CPL is an ICAO PPL with night privalages, which is "built in" with the FAA PPL.

Not true. You must always consult LASORS yourself for such information.
The 3 hours dual count but there are futher requirments to this:

LASORS states in D1.2 (d) c.

5 hours night flying comprising of at least 3 hours of dual instruction, including at least 1 hour of cross-country navigation, and 5 solo take-offs and full stop landings.

So in extra you must have the 5 take-offs and full stop landings SOLO not PIC, as well as the minimum 5 hours.

If you do not already meet his it also states in D1.2 that:
An applicant who does not already hold a night qualification/rating (Aeroplane) shall be given additionally at least 5 hours of night flight instruction

So make sure you meet the requirements before starting that CPL!

14th Nov 2008, 17:22
one other little pointer. Even if you have an RT licence, it will NOT cover you to fly aircraft outside the USA on a FAA PPL. You will need to get an FCC certificate - quite esay just $60 on the FCC website - sent to you within a week!!

14th Nov 2008, 17:25
So is there any point in doing JAA PPL? If you're going to U.S.A for training anyways is it best to get FAA then for sake of less expense?

It seems so mate. I'm just trying to figure out how to fly in Sweden with a FAA PPL regurarly so i don't loose my flying skills while i do the ATPL theory.
