View Full Version : AK and MAB

Mat Tongkang
12th Nov 2008, 06:35
Just exactly how much does AK owe MAB? Is the govt going to use our EPF to bail out AK and MAB?

12th Nov 2008, 09:54
Is this comment in regards to the 1 billion subsidy to KLIA from the Malaysian government?

James' Bro
12th Nov 2008, 12:30

Didn't Dandie mentioned awhile back that fuel was hedged @ $126.00?
...and today, news all over trumpets that there will be no fuel surcharge !

To add to that, 500,000 free seats.... wooooooo... isn't it a way of taking some $$$$ (admin. charges) and "cabut" ! ...and sweep the MAB debt under the carpet! :ouch: