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9th Nov 2008, 14:56
After using military aviation to reach the USA, what is the official line on rental car insurance?

I've been told that we should decline all as the MOD will support you, :rolleyes: but the cop that stopped me yesterday whilst on det was not impressed that I could not produce any evidence.

Can anyone advise whilst I await the official line to be unearthed?

Could be the last?
9th Nov 2008, 15:31
You should have been given all the normal vehicle docs by your MTO prior to leaving the uk. Those docs, combined with your NATO travel order should be sufficient to prove you are on mil business and insured accordingly.

9th Nov 2008, 15:49
They usually stamp the rental agreement with a big red "Exempt".

Was good enough last time I got pulled by the feds "Didnt know the motorway speed limit was 55 sorry officer".

Oh, I also learned never get out the car when you are pulled. They get a bit jumpy.

Two's in
10th Nov 2008, 00:50
You are supposed to carry a letter of insurer's liability with you (ie. MoD coverage). The problem is when Pedro and 8 of his mates hit you on a 4-way stop and you pull a letter from Betty Windsor saying "don't sweat it, the check's in the mail" there is shall we say, the potential for confusion, even after Officer Dibble has arrived on the scene to book/shoot the culprit.

...and to confirm what VR says, never, under any circumstances get out of the vehicle if you are pulled unless invited to .

10th Nov 2008, 02:09
lol, Yeah, NEVER get out of the vehicle while in the US, especially if on a military base. The M16/attack dog toting police/security forces do not like it what so ever, despite the, "but I'm an English RAF type person" excuse. They let me go unhindered though. Just never get out of the vehicle!!! Apparently they can smell sausage....

10th Nov 2008, 12:21
...and if you happen to be asleep on the back seat when they choose to stop the vehicle you are in, please don't wake and sit up quickly - they seem not to like that too much either.

On a funnier note, when paper driving licenses were the standard, have you ever seen the look on an officer's face when you try to convince them it's a legal document?

10th Nov 2008, 14:38
On a funnier note, when paper driving licenses were the standard, have you ever seen the look on an officer's face when you try to convince them it's a legal document?

Or if you greet them with a cheery "Good morning Constable. How can I help you?"