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View Full Version : Bluetoothing, music and a2dp????

Wing Commander Fowler
8th Nov 2008, 21:06

I commute to work on my bike and worry that crewing won't be able to get me on the phone and will give me a no show on my way in. So I bought a cardo scala bluetooth headset for my helmet. Works great with my phone so that sorts out that wee problem BUT I'd like to listen to music too. My sony ericsson 810i apparently streams music via a2dp and this headset won't accept that.

Why does life have to be so bloody complicated?????

Tried my HP pda and that doesn't seem to be able to find a service that the headset provides so bluetooth connection works but fails to exchange information.

Can anyone think of a solution? I don't mind buying a different phone if anyone knows of one that streams music but not a2dp. Or can you help connect the pda?

Help appreciated thanx.

8th Nov 2008, 22:12
If you want the music to sound even slightly decent, it's got to be via A2DP, and you need some headphones that can do that. Which Cardo Scala model did you get? Their S-2 (http://www.cardowireless.com/s2) set does A2DP, their other models don't.

I don't know the Ericsson phone, but if my search results are accurate, it doesn't do A2DP and people are annoyed about that (https://developer.sonyericsson.com/message/88585). :bored:
edit: the W810i doesn't, but the K810i does! Grrr....

I used to use a HP iPaq PDA, and I remember there was a Bluetooth Audio fix or it, that I could download from HP. I never did, though, since my new phone replaced my iPaq (it does the same job), and that's when I got the 'phones.

My phone (HTC S620) does A2DP, and I use a pair of i-Tech (http://www.itechdynamic.com/en/productsCatList_en.asp?cid=3) headphones while commuting. The only thing is that I have to make them switch to A2DP mode. After powering up the headphones, then turning on Bluetooth on the phone, they act as a normal phone / headset combination for phone calls. To get A2DP I have to go in to the Bluetooth menus, select the device and say "Stereo Audio". (I've done this so many times over the last 2 years that it's practically automatic.)

Wing Commander Fowler
9th Nov 2008, 22:46
Thanx for the considered reply BNT. I made a typo and the phone is an 880i not 810 sorry. Take your point regarding music quality and I guess I'm going to have to live with it. By the way its a Q2 rider headset (in helmet). They do actually offer an alternative backplate with a flippin wire hanging out to connect to an mp3 player - backward thinking or what????

Cheers. :ok: