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7th Nov 2008, 11:49
Congratulations to Gary Spender. Bloody well earned and deserved.

As pie-eyed as I was last night the congratulations were truly heartfelt.



(I would have given you much more applause but the server won't let me)

7th Nov 2008, 13:11

I'll help you out with the applauses, Met Gary a few times and he is a top Bloke, but you might have to elaborate on that the Eric Brown Prize is for?

7th Nov 2008, 13:45
Annual BHAB award for the person viewed by The Committee to have made the greatest contribution to aviation in the past 12 months.

Amazed to see GS in a shirt and tie :p
And as promised he did keep his speech short :E

Well done mate :ok:

Up & Away
7th Nov 2008, 14:00
well done Gary:ok:

7th Nov 2008, 17:29
You sure he wasn't wearing his pink tutu? ;)

Congratulations matey. Well deserved!

7th Nov 2008, 17:31
As the only reference to the Eric Brown Award in a Google search brings you back to this thread on Rotorheads, you might also have to elaborate on who Gary Spender is, and what he has done to earn this award...............

7th Nov 2008, 17:33
Well done Gary, a truly well-deserved award for all the hard work you've put into your websites, safety evenings, and being generally an all-round good egg. :ok:




Senior Pilot
7th Nov 2008, 17:43

Try this thread (http://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/310442-informal-heli-nights-uk-including-arrangements.html) for a look at what Gary has put together on behalf of the helicopter industry in UK.

Gary, good show :ok:

Nice to see the recognition of your peers for all your efforts :D:D

7th Nov 2008, 17:58
Thanks - good work , well deserved.....

Martin Barclay
7th Nov 2008, 18:54
Just add my congratulations to Gary. That explains why he is not answering his email! Too good for the likes of us. Just met him at the Leeds safety evening but would have to echo the sentiment here, all round top guy.


Brilliant Stuff
7th Nov 2008, 19:04
Well Done Gary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok::ok:


7th Nov 2008, 19:55
Well done Gary.
If you ever what a holiday in Connecticut just pm me.

8th Nov 2008, 14:51
Well done Gary .. particularly well deserved and couldn't have gone to a nicer guy.


8th Nov 2008, 19:49
Ladies and Gents

I am touched (amazed) by how many people came up to me after the award was presented to offer congratulations. Although I knew before the evening that I had won, when I was told it was the first time in living memory that I can remember being speechless.

Like I said on Thursday I take it as a great honour to have won the award particularly as I didn't even know I'd been nominated until the vote was in.

I got to meet Eric Brown himself and to me that made the evening all the more special.

Thanks to everyone on here and who was there on Thursday who has offered their congratulations, support and personal abuse.


8th Nov 2008, 21:54

You? Never :E

Earl of Rochester
10th Nov 2010, 11:49
The Eric Brown Award 2010 has gone to Christopher Forrest, Group Operations Director of UK Helicopter Operator PremiAir, in recognition of his contribution to the UK's helicopter industry.

Christopher was nominated for his overall work over many years in the helicopter industry. Christopher is recognised as an outstanding supporter of the BHA and has contributed much time and effort on a professional and voluntary basis to promote the interests of the helicopter operators and users.

Receiving the Award, which was presented by Captain Eric M Brown CBE, DSC, AFC, MA, FRAeS, RN (Ret’d) at the annual BHA Dinner held at the Institute of Directors in London, Christopher said: “This is an absolute honour and I’m delighted to have the award presented by Captain Brown himself.”