View Full Version : help needed please!!!

7th Nov 2008, 09:27

Have assessment day soon and wondered if someone could me help!!!

The maths test include conversion questions, I know how to work out say for instance how many euros would you get for £58.00 and how to convert $US25.00 to pounds etc etc, can do the straight forward ones. When it comes to say bought something £27.00 and gave £50.00 note how much change in $US would you give. DO you just work out change in pounds then convert that amount to dollars???

It may be obvious to alot of you people, but also get confused when you multiply or divide the conversion rate???

I think I know what I'm doing but just need a little guidance then hopefully the penny will drop :confused::confused:

Thanks in advance x

7th Nov 2008, 11:19
Hi kel,
Yes I'd work it out as you said; do the subtraction of 50-27 & get the answer in pounds, then convert the answer to $$.
The other way would be to convert both the 50 & 27 to $$ and then subtract so that your answer is in $$, but that way is just slightly more work.
Good luck for your assessment day!