View Full Version : Another cock up with the EK EGHQ

puff m'call
6th Nov 2008, 17:49
Colleagues -

As per company policy Emirates regularly conducts random drug and alcohol testing on both cabin and flight crew in Dubai and at outstations. When we commenced crew operations at EGHQ you were advised that Drug and Alcohol testing would take place after clearing Immigration and Check-in, before briefing. Due to logistical issues we are not able to utilise the airside facility specifically designed for this testing, therefore it will now take place “landside” prior to entry via the eGates.

Urrrrrrrr what we mean to say is we f****D up again!!!!!! as soon as you walk though the doors you are AIRSIDE because some dumb ass put the eGates at the front door.:ugh::D:D:D

Now you get drug tested in your own time before you come on duty:= (legally) so think about it before you go marching off to the clinic to have your test. Check your watch and say ok, come and get me in an hour when I come on duty.

7th Nov 2008, 01:59
puff and call,
also make sure you are not "in company uniform" until your duty actually starts ( ref. the policy in HR manual) and hence there is no legal avenue for testing. Wear a tee-shirt until your sign on time! ;)

7th Nov 2008, 08:35

Duty starts 1 hour before the ETD, so if they ask me to do my thing, I will politely tell them that I have to wait for that time before they can take a valid sample. Being in or out of ubiform has absolutely nothing to do with that, the FOM only states:

Alcohol of any type must not be CONSUMED while in uniform in a public place

As far as I am concerned, I can have a few drinks until 12 hours before my DUTY starts, be still positive when I get in my uniform, be still positive when I get in the company car and still be positive when I go through the e-gate because the company asks me to be there early (on MY time). D@mn, in the current situation I might still be positive when I get on the crew bus. As long as I will be completely sober 1 hour before ETD (or when I get on board and start fiddling around in the flightdeck).

Bottom line, I have absolutely no problem that they want to test me, but NOT before my duty starts, even if that will delay the flight. The whole process is their f*ck up, not mine!!


7th Nov 2008, 08:57

You're spot on with the legality. It's been checked out with an international law company in the UK.

You can follow the FOM & CAR's however they are testing you prior to your 12 hour limit and you may be slightly over, it's a breach on their side as you're not on duty yet.

7th Nov 2008, 12:51
Yeah, they (whoever they are) screwed it up again; like the so-called UAE ID card (giving two months for 3,000,000 people to get it).

About the FOM rules ... most of the crap in there wouldn't stand the scrutiny by a court of law overseas. There are plenty of legal cockups for a good lawyer to use in our favour.

7th Nov 2008, 13:35
3000000 ? the 2008 deadline does not apply to everyone

Fart Master
7th Nov 2008, 21:10
Just seen an excerpt from the Kaleej Times saying its the EMPLOYERS responsability to pay for it......happy days.

That should cheer up the kn*bs in EGHQ Ivory Towers

Flying Spag Monster
8th Nov 2008, 12:28
Must be a slow day in DXB..

It will work like this, you get tested on arrival at the HQ, you are in uniform so it satifies the testing regulations as per HR manual but not the drugs/drinks regs as per FOM. If you test positive then you will sit around until your duty time and be tested again, that sample, if still positive will be used to fry you. All this talk of lawyers and duty time is driving me to drink....hic

8th Nov 2008, 17:26
FOM says you may not drink 12 hours before sign on.
GCAA says may 0,02% 8 hours before flight. Correct me if I am wrong. So those last 4 hours you will be sipping a very weak drink indeed....

9th Nov 2008, 23:30
No offence intended, but by 'ETD' do you mean 'STD'?

It is I grant you a technicality, and it may be an inter airline terminology thing, in 'my world so to speak'

STD = Scheduled (Roster) time of departure, all plans, rest, booze, reefers and travel based on.

ETD = Estimated (Delayed) time of departure. (Normally), see above,

Thats the only reason I ask.


Mister Warning
10th Nov 2008, 04:28
Over here an STD is what you get from the Cabin Crew if you don't wear a raincoat. :}
And an ETD is just that - the companies best guess especially in the morning, afternoon and night time peaks at Dubai!

Ahad Adump
10th Nov 2008, 05:04
Boys, KISS:

Here or down route, if you can not pass urine you are off the roster until you do.

So.........I am sorry I am unable to pass urine for the next 2 hours sir, honest....sorry.