View Full Version : Anyone here did modular at Stapleford Flight Training???

4th Nov 2008, 12:03
I am seriously considering doing the modular course (zero to atpl) at Stapleford Flight Training, because eventually I want to become an airline pilot flying for a major UK airline. Is there anyone one here who has completed this course and then afterwards gained employment with a
major airline? If you have can you please tell me:

1. How long did it take you to complete the course?
2. How good were the flight instructors?
3. How good were the manuals and training materials?
4. Were you given any advice on how to approach the airlines, prepare for an interview etc?
5. Which airline do you currently fly for and is this your first job after training at stapleford?
6. Generally, how long did it take you and your classmates to find employment with an airline?
7. Would you reccomend Stapleford Flight Training to me as I want to aquire a good job with a airline (Ryanair, BMI, Easyjet, Thomson) after I have completed training.


4th Nov 2008, 12:29

Welcome to PPRUNE. Stapleford is a small airfield with lots of traffic. Most of it is training orientated which makes the circuit very busy at peak times. To be honest, SFC could do with a large investment in their fleet and facilities. Not too long ago they refurbished their student accommodation and introduced two DA42’s for IR work but that’s about it at the moment. The Warrior and Cessna fleet are very old with exception of the few newer warriors they use for CPL. It can be very intimidating walking into reception but most of the time I’ve been there I’ve always had a pleasant experience. I’ve only been there for my PPL training so I can’t talk about much else. I’ve had a few instructors, not because I chose to but because they moved on to different things (They moved to bigger flight schools).

It’s nice to hear from a wannabe who actually wants to get a job once qualified, apparently most like to sit around doing nothing with 70K of debt.:rolleyes:


4th Nov 2008, 14:05
1. How long did it take you to complete the course?
15 months. Including 5 months with BGS
2. How good were the flight instructors?
When I was there they where excellent, probably all moved on now though so couldn't comment
3. How good were the manuals and training materials?
Got me through ok
4. Were you given any advice on how to approach the airlines, prepare for an interview etc?
Some, I did ask but got most of the information I needed from other students and my own research
5. Which airline do you currently fly for and is this your first job after training at stapleford?
Bizjet, second job
6. Generally, how long did it take you and your classmates to find employment with an airline?
Me, 2 months. 4 interviews, 3 job offers, 2 of which where SSTR, I took the non SSTR job
7. Would you reccomend Stapleford Flight Training to me as I want to aquire a good job with a airline (Ryanair, BMI, Easyjet, Thomson) after I have completed training.
Yes, but you have to be disciplined and determined, No one will hold your hand and you really have to know what you want, how you're going to do it and have a good game plan to be sucessful. If you don't you will struggle. If you are one of these people that needs to be told, when and how then Intergrated could be a possible better option, Not saying intergrated students need more assistance in completing the course but the nature of modular means you will have to fend for yourself far more.

4th Nov 2008, 20:48
there is a thread in the same section as this one called Stapleford. look it up.

5th Nov 2008, 18:38
If you are one of these people that needs to be told, when and how then Intergrated could be a possible better option, Not saying intergrated students need more assistance

Do you need your hand holding with your spelling? ....... Twice:D