View Full Version : PAL A320 Captain Suffers Stroke In Flight

1st Nov 2008, 12:26
The First Thread Of Harmon Rabb Cannot Be Opened.
I Think It Deserves A New Thread.
I Deem It Is A Very Important Subject To Discuss Here In Pprune Because It Involves Capt's Incapacitation. FO's Should Always Be Ready When This Situation Arises, Especially Nowadays That The Retirement Age Is Extended To 65 Years Old.
Anybody Knows The Real Age Of The PAL A320 Capt?

2nd Nov 2008, 07:03
What's with all the caps?

2nd Nov 2008, 07:46
Mental, Emotional and Physical stress can cause Hypertension leading to Heart disease. I wont be surprise if this happened to a fit looking Capt.
Remember those two Airbus Capts who experienced Heart stroke about 3-4 years ago? Its getting common.

On the same note, Just red on the news that an Obese PAL Cabin crew was terminated due to his Size and Weight( around 217 lbs., if not a Typo error).

Its time to get yourself into the GYM guys.


2nd Nov 2008, 22:50
Thanks Eagle135 for helping out on the thread.
There was also a "not so old" guy two weeks ago flying a light twin that suffered a stroke in-flight. Good thing he was able to land the plane. I'm not sure but it might have been a fish cargo run.

I even know a guy who is now 30 years old, thin and fit, rides a bicycle as exercise, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink and he has been on maintenance drug for his blood pressure since he was 25.

3rd Nov 2008, 16:54
To the First Officer who saved the Capt, Good Job!!!!

Cheers to you!!!!:ok: