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View Full Version : The Red Arrows...

30th Oct 2008, 22:00
...are on Danger Men, Ch5 next Thursday. If anyone's interested, that is. :rolleyes:

30th Oct 2008, 23:37
Next Thursday Ch5 is showing football from 19:30 - 22:00, so I suspect the third Danger Men programme will be at 21:00 on Thursday 13 November ?

31st Oct 2008, 00:09
Possibly. It just said next week, after this week's show.

31st Oct 2008, 00:19
Thanks. I fell asleep just after the part showing a guy with a steel plate battering a captive buffalo! :ouch:

31st Oct 2008, 15:41
God dammit, I'm at cadets when it's on :(

31st Oct 2008, 16:35
Culio, you wont miss anything by being at Cadets. In fact I'd rather join you at the Cadet meet than be subjected to an hour of the prima-donnas.

31st Oct 2008, 17:20

I quote from one of your posts dated 3 November 2006

"It never fails to amaze me how these forums degenerate into a slanging match "

If that's an honestly held belief, why have a pop in response to a post which merely highlights the time of a television programme which you do not have to actually watch?

You obviously don't like the Red Arrows and you are entitled to your opinion, so why not just ignore this whole thread.