View Full Version : P8 Compass

Will Hung
30th Oct 2008, 16:22
A P8 compass has appeared in my local 'Antique' shop, and the lady reckons it was used in both the Spitfire and the Lancaster.(Not necessarily this particular one). Can anyone confirm that they were used in the Lancaster ? If so, I might make them an offer. What would be realistic ? Any help appreciated.

31st Oct 2008, 01:04
Yeah, It should be in a 'Blue' box - If the glass is intact and the 'Alcohol' fluid inside, Then it is buyable.

A close friend collects WW2 collectables, And he I think pays upto about 30.00 for them.

There are different types, I'm certain the P8 was used in the bombers?

I wouldn't pay more than about 30.00 for one, They are quite common to find at carboots/antique shops etc.

If the shop says the oposite, Then they are using that to put the price up.

Some compasses my friend has bought have been in bad condition, And I think he paid about 15.00 - 25.00 for them.

Good Luck.:ok: