View Full Version : Introduction course to cabin crew your thoughts!! should i do it yes or no

28th Oct 2008, 09:09
Hi all,

I wanted to know your thoughts on this course that i have found and wondered if anyone has done anything similar or the below course.

St James Management Services - Introduction to Cabin Crew Course (http://www.stjames.gb.com/courses)

as a wannabe cabin crew member i have been attending interviews for various airlines without sucesss and the above course seems to offer everything i need to pass the interview stage atleast has anyone done anything like this before any help with be gratiful appreciated.

An enthusiastic future wannabe cabin crew!!!

hugs Shelly

28th Oct 2008, 13:40
Simple answer? No. I reckon it's a waste of money.

You're better off asking friends/family/current employer for feedback. Pay attention to how other customer facing staff behave in front of customers. Find out facts about airlines, lifestyle, routes, uniforms, airport codes etc etc.

Did you get any feedback from your interviews? You may have to do some soul searching and think hard as to why you didn't get past the interview stage. It's tough, but should be worth it in the end.

If you don't already have a job in a customer facing role, then go get one (even if it's part time). What you'll have to remember as well, is that there are airlines going bankrupt right, left and centre at the moment, so the employees from those companies are applying for the few jobs out there. With previous experience they have an advantage, and you need to show the company that you're better suited to the job than them (without being arrogant of course).

Good luck!


31st Oct 2008, 14:55
Of greatest importance is to know all / as much as you can on the airline itself and the problems that will face aviation for some time to come. You can learn lots just being a visitor to Pprune and checking out all the threads.What realy counts is how you are at an interview that is what gets u the job.

10th Nov 2008, 09:35
Hi All,

Thanks for all you help and comments, I decided to do the course as i had the days off, i wanted to get more info on the job the role and the practical side of the interviews, the course started last thursday and i wanted to tell you how i got on! the day started off good an introduction to what was on the course and the topics that were to be discussed everything from recruitment to the actually job itself i found the information included on the course really helpiful and definately has given me a greater knowledge and feel alot more prepared for the interviews the course is definately worth doing and involves alot more information with regards to group activeites on how to pass them etc.

I have an interview coming up with a few airlines to hopfully i will suceed and i will keep you all updated!!

thanks again
