View Full Version : Max legal log time?

27th Oct 2008, 10:58
Hi, I'm working in Tanzania for a regional... turboprop... Wondering if there is a rule about max hours allowed to enter into my log book? I'm already at 90 in 2 weeks... I heard 105, 120 hours per month.

any ideas? http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/confused.gif



27th Oct 2008, 11:19
If you have a JAA license, you can log 100 hours in 28 days. 900 hours a year.
With a validation from your local Tanzania CAA - I don't know... But you most probably log the hours in a JAA logbook and keep your JAA license current, so better be careful and ask your JAA issuing country for advice before you do anything illegal.

27th Oct 2008, 11:22
Generally, there is no limitation on what you can put in your logbook, there is a limitation on how many block hours and duty hours you are legal to fly.

this depends on the the local CAA, so have a look in your operations manual.

Nothing stopping you logging what you fly, as far as legality is concerned, this will probably come out anyway if you have an accident within the next 5 years.

With regards to getting a different job one day, you may want to omit the hours flown over the legal limit (according to the ops manual).

27th Oct 2008, 11:48
There is so much more to it than that: definition of different types of duty, rest, night, days off, standby, accommodation, etc, etc. Guidance from the UK CAA can be found at CAP371 (http://www.caa.co.uk/docs/33/CAP371.PDF). Your local CAA will have something similar which will also be in your company OM. I'm not talking about working to rule, far from it. But if you're working as hard as you say you are then never mind your logbook, you should be thinking seriously about the effect of fatigue on safety.

you may want to omit the hours flown over the legal limit

Just hang on a minute!! := :*


27th Oct 2008, 12:10
Well, I'm FAA but flying under TCAA authority. It's a company that's not known for paying overtime... so I'm wondering for the next two weeks, should I log those hours so that I get something out of it at least :confused:

I'm going to get a day off tomorrow :D - it's ok though, i'm home every night so I can sleep....
but as much as I like logging in lots of hours (I saw that FAA is 8 flight hrs per day, 14 hours total/day) but I haven't seen how many per month? Don't want to have any trouble either... :ugh:

So should I be following FAA guidelines? TCAA guidelines? Or really is there no legal limit as to how many I log, only how many the company is requesting me to work:eek:

Any advice is helpful, thanks :ok:

27th Oct 2008, 18:15
When you fly in country X, with an airplane operated under AOC of that country, you are limited by country X limitations. It does not matter what your FAA (or JAR) limitations are, as you obviously fly under a pilot licence validation of that country X, and you are subject to all the air law rules of country X.
As an example, the yearly limitation of FAA airline flying is 1,000 hrs TT yearly, and for JAR it is 900 hrs TT. If you fly in a JAR country, you must abide by the JAR limitations if flying with a JAR licence (or validation) and AOC.
If in Smurfistan, they permit their pilots to fly 1,200 hrs TT yearly, operating under Smurfistan licence validation and AOC, your limit is 1200 hrs TT yearly. But it should be mentioned that if you return to FAA or JAR operations, you will not be able to fly legally until your flying for the past 12 months is again below the FAA or the JAR limits.
Happy contrails

27th Oct 2008, 19:09
Thanks, BelArgUSA! That puts things into perspective! :ok: