View Full Version : The Difference between men and boys is only the size of their toys!

23rd Oct 2008, 12:26
My aviation career began in piston aircraft both rotary and f/w. For many years EVERYONE around me were sensible, intelligent down right good guys and girls.
Things "progressed" and before long I was flying turboprops. Again a nicer bunch of professionals I have yet to meet.
Yet more "progression" found me flying light and medium GA jets at which point I started to notice a few odd balls in aviation. Mainly in management I hasten to add and again somewhat noticeable during a spell in airline flying. But the guys and girls on the line thouroughly likable.

I then "progressed" to long range bizjets beginning with G.


A psychiatrist would be in heaven:
Massive attitudes and egos with zero ability everywhere!!!! From management to pilots to flight attendants to owners to engineers. Truly shocking unprofessional behaviour displayed to me daily from very nasty people. Backstabbing vile personalities lying, stealing and cheating to feather their own nest.

So is it a case of ones ego getting bigger along with the aircraft but ones ability and personality running in the opposite direction? :(

Any thoughts or experiences?

His dudeness
23rd Oct 2008, 12:49
Never progressed as far as you did, but I met all the negative stuff with smaller airplane operations already.

23rd Oct 2008, 13:35

Arh funny you should ask that? No I didn't. But I am aware.
I met the arrogance, rudeness, abuse and monumental ego before getting close to the a/c. That was enough for me! :yuk:


That really surprises me. I never did at that level. Are times a changing perhaps? Maybe so? Like kids never had attitude when I was hatched but look at them now!

23rd Oct 2008, 14:34
Ran into a similar situation during my foray into the "G" world. Most were great guys but a handful who were 'certifiable'.

I ask if it's ok to put something on an expense report and the boss says yes. Should I be surprised to get a verbal a$$ reaming for doing it--by the very person who TOLD me to do it in the first place? :ugh:

Very interesting topic. Glad I'm not the only one. TC

23rd Oct 2008, 14:51
$4000 on a credit card is all it takes to be a Boeing 737 Capt.

23rd Oct 2008, 22:12
I have to respectfully disagree.

In every level & profession in aviation you find a few oddballs & they aren't solely associated on G's.

I am out in SAV with my G & I reguarly enjoy the Wednesday night freebie put on by G & FSI and I have to say everybody I meet seems to be totally fine.

23rd Oct 2008, 22:43
Unfortunately they're around at all levels.

My first full time job was on something beginning with an L and I actually considered giving up flying because the chief was such a complete tool. Thankfully though I had somewhere else to go... What doesn't break us makes us stronger methinks.

Talking of G's, I've met some really nice people on the circuit, but that said I can think of some real pond life dealing with the type and am half tempted to name names.

Come to think of it I've met idiots dealing with every type at some stage or another, but I've also found some great operations as well, so.....

Vote with your feet mate, remember sometimes the grass really is greener!

The Beer Hunter
23rd Oct 2008, 23:29
I am out in SAV with my G.........

Wow. That is just so cool. :cool: I wish I could stand at the bar in my Ray-Bans saying that to the girls. "I'm here in Sav in mah G" in a sort of black american Eddie Murphy voice.

No, really. Guaranteed leg-opener.


His dudeness
24th Oct 2008, 09:02
@HAPPYJACK: the worst I experienced was in a Citation/KingAir environment. But maybe IŽll get a trip to G-Land one day? Then IŽll let you know what is worse...

But I was told you can have all of the ego problems also in the local glider club. Mind you, that a modern glider can easily reach the wingspan of a big G.

After all, maybe size really matters?

727 exec
24th Oct 2008, 09:09
If only we had the key fobs to throw down on the bar!! I'd expect something very expensive in leather for my 'G'...Have to make do with my leather jacket.:)

Seriously, I started in the little jets (although that was fast and big enough at the time) and am now at the other end of the scale. I've tried not to forget where I started, and am happy to have visitors in for tea instead of them standing at the bottom of the steps trying to see in.

24th Oct 2008, 09:22
Maybe I have lucky up til now then? I really haven't seen anything like this previously so maybe yours is yet to come?:eek:
But as I say it is coupled with a lack of ability which compounds the issue. And it is not the odd one here and there; it is the majority!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
Being part of a crew where your crewmember is yelling and swearing at everyone all day is very uncomfortable and quite frankly embarrassing. :O As is being threatened with psysical violence during flight. Or how about a crewmember damaging an aircraft in front of the whole crew and then lying to protect face and blaming someone else? Or stealing from the aircraft?:{ Or stealing from fellow crewmembers?
'Should all be locked up in the funny farm if you ask me. And they are flying/managing big peoples aircraft!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

25th Oct 2008, 00:24
Happyjack, I think you have been seriously stitched up with some of your crews, can you please give us a hint to whom these nutters are & who/where they work!

I wouldn't want to sit on a bus, never mind being trapped in the flight deck next to somebody who wants to fight me, who would steal from me, argue with me, belittle others, etc..

Unfortunately aviation does attract nutters. If I ever came across anybody like that I think it would be the last time I worked with him & I would make sure the rest of my pals knew why...it is such a small world!!

Beerhunter, unfortunately we don't tell everybody what we are flying (as most people wouldn't know or care), so no guaranteed 'hospitality' down route & when we are indoors we take off our Aviators!!

25th Oct 2008, 09:44
Check your PM's.

25th Oct 2008, 12:59
Thanks Happyjack for the pm.

I guess I have been very lucky up to now, but I have heard similar horor stories but I wasn't aware of the type they were on.

If I was looking to move on I would certainly listen to the advice of others before I made my choice of operations & where to go. High turnover usually means that things aren't good!

I am lucky in the fact that all our guys are fine & we all like a nice sunday roast!

Tony Mabelis
26th Oct 2008, 09:21
As a big G maintenance Engineer, I've never had a problem with the REAL captain, his name is Honeywell, and he is certified. As for the rest, in spite of their huffing and puffing are but mere system minders, and I agree a fair few should be certified.

27th Oct 2008, 04:06
Most people get thier jobs because they said all the right things not based on who could hand fly that twin, one one engine, partial panel down to zero zero on the ILS. That said...a credit card and three weeks is all it takes to get a type rating. Once you know that, the posers, ect, are easy to deflate when you run into them.

27th Oct 2008, 18:13
All it takes is 2 weeks and a credit card to get a type rating...