View Full Version : US airman Milton Torres told to shoot down UFO when based at RAF Manston

21st Oct 2008, 07:18
cue x-files theme ...

US airman Milton Torres told to shoot down UFO when based at RAF Manston - Times Online (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article4974540.ece)

25th Oct 2008, 17:00
...surprisng how much coverage this silly UFO story received in mainstream world media this past week -- even the New York Times published it without the slightest journalistic objectivity.

All the news stories are brief, vague accounts... with disjointed & unsourced quotes attributed to 77-year-old, retired USAF pilot Milton Torres. All these "news" accounts are very favorable to a 'genuine' UFO incident.

Great credence is apparently given to recently-declassified UK Ministry of Defence files, although they are not directly quoted nor referenced. We are led to believe that these secret official documents somehow confirm pilot Torres' incredible UFO story-- they do not.

Some anonymous "UFO-ologist" submitted a version of Torres' UFO story to the UK Ministry of Defence in 1988... seeking public release of official records on the incident. The unfortunate Air Ministry bureaucrats who had to handle these types of issues ... had little to say, of course.

Pilot Torres probably did routinely scramble his F-86D jet fighter in 1957 from Manston -- and found nothing of substance. The rest of the story is all hearsay and fantasy.

It's nonsense to believe that junior-officer Torres was ordered (before takeoff) to fire all his weaponry (24 x 2.75 inch rockets) at a yet to be intercepted radar bogey... in peacetime England.

Torres is quoted as saying he never saw anything 'visually' during that intercept mission -- he relied totally on the tiny cockpit screen of his primitive APG-37 intercept radar. If there was anything to actually intercept, his 'reported' experience was consistent with standard airborne defensive electronic-countermeasures against his little radar.


25th Oct 2008, 18:40


Old Ned
25th Oct 2008, 18:57
"Holy S*it! Scotty just managed to get the Warp engines back in the nick of time, that was a close call. Spock's adrenalin is indeed brown"

Admiral James T Kirk (Starfleet Cmd ret'd)

Ronald Reagan
25th Oct 2008, 19:36
Guys as military pilots is their any truth to this topic? Over the years I have met many mil and civil pilots who will swear blind they have seen some real strange stuff! Sometimes large solid craft doing real fast turns etc back in the 50s and 60s! These days some of this could be top secret American stuff. But there must be limits to what American secret tech could do!
It seems some people will believe anything and others would not believe it if they landed on the white house lawn!
Whats the real truth?

25th Oct 2008, 22:02
The truth is out there Ronnie

25th Oct 2008, 22:29
I CAN handle the truth S_H. Tell me.

walter kennedy
26th Oct 2008, 00:51
Surely the (real) point of concern is why wasn't the RAF tasked in UK air space?