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20th Oct 2008, 18:48
As members of the fare-paying public, what importance, or otherwise, do you attach to some airlines insisting that their pilots wear hats whilst on duty?

Our management believe hats are important and I wondered whether the passengers feel the same way.

Final 3 Greens
20th Oct 2008, 19:12
what importance, or otherwise, do you attach to some airlines insisting that their pilots wear hats whilst on duty?

I believe that pilots should wear a full uniform, including hat, whilst in the view of us punters.

However, I would regard wearing a hat at the controls as somewhat concerning.

20th Oct 2008, 19:42
Well said F3G. Bear in mind that, whilst us highly sophisticated and well behaved Brits :E :} :ouch: understand and accept the pilots authority by the stripes on their shirt - many others do not. There will be those whose first clue that this person has to be taken seriously is the presence of a peaked cap. Now they might not like it but it means that they cannot claim afterwards, "I did not know who this person was". Also, it may be that some of these folks need a redoubling of the 'clues' that this really IS the FO/Cpt when the person is female.

Avoiding details but ... I do a job where I am in place of high authority but do not wear a uniform. There are others who do a similar job to me and wear a uniform. The uniform gives instant 100% recognition to the public of who they are because they belong to a certain group. Whilst I might like the recognition and power of the uniform, I am not interested in joining their group. The uniform generates respect and deference to those folks - which is nice - whereas I have to earn it from scratch every time. :sad:

I dare say it's awkward at times and you might even feel like a bit of pratt in the cap - but please wear it in public areas as it's good for everyone.

20th Oct 2008, 20:22
As long as you are comfortable on the flight deck and are recognizable as the Captain or F/O off the flight deck, you can wear a spandex body suit under military fatigues as far as I'm concerned. On second thoughts, maybe that would be distracting....

Chauffers wear hats too you know.. some of them quite elaborate.


20th Oct 2008, 21:23
Peaked caps never suit female pilots imo. Wearers remind me of Thunderbird characters.

20th Oct 2008, 21:30
I have my own view which I'll keep to myself until I see how the consensus opinion forms. Thanks for your posts in the meantime.

20th Oct 2008, 23:17
As members of the fare-paying public, what importance, or otherwise, do you attach to some airlines insisting that their pilots wear hats whilst on duty?

Our management believe hats are important and I wondered whether the passengers feel the same way.

I feel that the wearing of a full uniform while pilots are in the airport, entering/leaving the flight deck or in the cabin shows a level of professionalism that many would associate with the job.

Once on the flight deck I would say a pilot should be as comfortable as he/she wishes.

I can recall some years ago seeing the Captain of a BA 767 put on a baseball cap when in his seat on the flight deck.



21st Oct 2008, 07:19
As SLF, I feel that when actually flying (or greeting pax on a walk around while in flight), no hat is fine. Walking through the airport - "proceeding on duty", a hat is de rigueer.

Having said that, does it allow recognition?

A year or so back, I came back sitting next to a BA F/O, in uniform, flying to LHR to take duty on a 744. He told me that a few weeks previously, he had to go to Waterside for a medical. So he went in full uniform, and having some time to spare, went to the canteen for a coffee. While there, a suitably suited gentleman asked 'Do you work for the airline? What do you do?'

Hopefully one of the 1500 managers BA have got rid of....

The BMI CC hats look silly, though.

21st Oct 2008, 07:24
Obviously what we wear whilst actually flying the aircraft is a matter of personal comfort and you could not wear a hat comfortably with a headset anyway. In many airlines pilots are either not issued with hats or they are optional. I just wondered whether people really cared in the 21st C.

21st Oct 2008, 07:28
Personally I think it is reassuring to see pilots in caps when in public view, especially as they enter the aircraft. Once inside they can wear what they like.

They may be uncomfortable but I think most people like to see them worn.

21st Oct 2008, 08:10
I don't wear a uniform hat, and I will NOT wear a hat indoors. A hat indoors is a woman's discretion, but on a man it's impolite and inappropriate. Aside from that, outside of the military, a command style hat looks rather ridiculous.

We're authorized a baseball cap in the cockpit once away from the gate area (where people aren't seeing us), to keep the sun out of our eyes...but I usually do that with an enroute chart and sunglasses.

21st Oct 2008, 11:33
I suspect that on those few occasions where a captain HAS to exert his authority, a hat MAY help. Or it may not.

If you are expected to buy your own uniform, then that's another matter. Although in the marine world, I believe they still buy their uniform, but then it's standard and there's no difference between shipping companies.

21st Oct 2008, 13:27
I'm with Guppy on this. Wore a hat quite happily for many years in the Forces but not it feels quite ridiculous. Why wear a hat indoors? Why wear a hat on the apron? DOn't wear it on the flt deck. So why have one at all?

Final 3 Greens
21st Oct 2008, 15:21
So why have one at all?

Captain (and FO) is an authority figure.

Full uniform projects that authority and a hat is part of the uniform.

In the office, I'd expect hats, ties etc to come off.

As a PPL, I have only ever worn epaulettes once - in Africa, on the advice of locals.

I felt like a prat, but it worked :\

21st Oct 2008, 15:37
I fly a few times a month and I honestly can't recall if the Captain or FO had a hat on. I have noticed crew walking through the terminal with hats on and felt it was a bit curious.
The stripes on the arms are good enough for me.
Something to remember, from a PAX point of view - we rarely ever see the Captain or FO post 11/9.. a quick glance in the cockpit window from the jetway is normally the only time we see them and I think I would find it odd if the crew were wearing their hats with the headsets!

21st Oct 2008, 23:08
Radeng's anecdote of the pilot wearing full uniform in the Waterside canteen being asked, by one of the 1,500 managers, "Do you work for the airline? What do you do?" , is very funny.

22nd Oct 2008, 00:13
Give a Pommie a uniform, and he'll work for free!

22nd Oct 2008, 03:21
The only reason I wear my hat is because I haven't got enough arms to carry everything I need to carry plus carry my hat so I wear it. :}

The real reason we have hats is as a repository of all the 'trappings' when we get to our hotel room and at home for that matter. Into the room off with the hat and into it go the ID card, wings, rank slides, loose change, wallet, passport, tie, comb, earplugs, ACARS chits etc etc etc.

BH. :ok:

22nd Oct 2008, 06:19
Give an Australian a slot machine, and he will do no work.

22nd Oct 2008, 09:19
Give an Australian a slot machine, and he will do no work.

Point of order, mate! :=

We don't need a slot machine as an excuse to do no work! :p


22nd Oct 2008, 09:30
Give an Australian a slot machine, and he will do no work.

Yeah, well, yo' grandpa was a Norman.

22nd Oct 2008, 14:06
School must have been traumatic as I've hated uniforms ever since so you can all take my comments with a pinch of salt.
But think about it this way: Air transport is a highly complex and potentially dangerous undertaking. To do it successfully and safely means relying on knowledge, reasoning, experience, objectivity and technology, to name a few quantifiable factors that are part of the mix.
Yet many commentators seem to think a uniform (with or without a hat) makes a better pilot. As far as I'm concerned you can be naked in the cockpit as long as you do a good job. The uniform issue has more to do with subjective impressions and the reassurance some people seek in certain customs. Such factors have a role to play but I'd rather see them kept in the marketing department. I don't want to be flown by a pilot who thinks he's great because he's got a shiny hat. You know what's really important - stick to that please.

Final 3 Greens
22nd Oct 2008, 15:06
Yet many commentators seem to think a uniform (with or without a hat) makes a better pilot.

Absolute rubbish and typical of some of the lame brained thinking on this forum.

Wearing a uniform in a public area is a reinforcement of authority and to identify the person as having that role and authority.

e.g. uniformed police, soldiers etc.

It has nothing to do with piloting skills.

22nd Oct 2008, 15:14
While wearing the hat, anyone see consequence of a gusty wind on a walk-around? :cool:

22nd Oct 2008, 15:53
Old Tora....
That was funny :cool:

22nd Oct 2008, 17:45
Had a blessed career of 6 month contract with Cargolux...
1992... was captain 747-200...
No uniform, no hat... just wear your old PanAm uniform, here are Cargolux wings.
I generally went to airport wearing my US Navy style pilot leather jacket.
White shirt (with black tie) and 4 shoulder stripes... all from PanAm...
Black pants - ex PanAm...
Getting in the plane, everyone got "out of uniform" for flight.
For flight, we wore -
Blue jeans, Nike's or Adidas shoes, black T-shirt (anti-glare for instruments).
Baseball cap, if flying sunny side.
Nowadays, still flying passengers.
Upper deck of 747 rarely occupied by passengers. Crew quarters (and VIP smoking area).
So guess what I wear during flight...?
Happy contrails

22nd Oct 2008, 22:30
praaYet many commentators seem to think a uniform (with or without a hat) makes a better pilotI did not notice any commentator in this forum say that?

To briefly restate: There are many people who need to know who is in charge and the uniform is the first step. The cap and stripes is the second. If there is a problem and you arrive in the cabin with just the white shirt - they may think that you are CC. Put the cap on.

NOBODY is suggesting that you wear the cap whilst seated at the controls - that's for the movies and cartoons. Yet, why do they draw the cap in a cartoon? Yep, to show that this is the person in charge, so that the viewer looks at the picture and instantly knows that this is about a pilot not CC nor pax.