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View Full Version : Hamburglar thread deleted?

18th Oct 2008, 08:11
Ah yes - we all do stupid things don't we? Disappointed the thread was deleted considering it was well and truely in the public domain. The SMH and Brisbane Times both covered it well.

It's a pity that McDonalds no longer have the life sized Ronald McDonalds outside most of their stores any more. They were always great sport......

mr Q
18th Oct 2008, 13:35
SCMP covered it as well.
Named the indivual his age and CX employment record.
Initially denied the offence under caution but CCTV told a different story so the individual wisely coughed while rightfully declining to identify his companions who appeared not to have been involved in the theft.
Schoolboy type prank under the influence of alcohol but does mot not say a lot for maturity, judgment and other qualities once thought to be requisites for an airline career as a flyer.
Ominous quote from CX... each case considered on individual basis