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14th Oct 2008, 12:41
American Airlines to filter porn sites

FORT WORTH (AP) — American Airlines says it will filter an in-flight Internet service to block pornography sites, reversing course after complaints from flight attendants and passengers.

American said Tuesday it was working with technology provider Aircell to allow filtering of its nascent Internet service.

American, the nation's largest carrier, said it hasn't gotten reports of passengers viewing "inappropriate content" on the Gogo in-flight service but said filtering was "an appropriate measure to take."

The airline launched Internet service in August on some of its Boeing 767 jets that fly between New York and San Francisco, Los Angeles and Miami in a six-month trial.

American is a unit of Fort Worth-based AMR Corp.


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I would imagine that most airlines are following the same approach as American in filtering porn sites as Internet access during flight grows in popularity. Can anyone name some exceptions?

Are there any flight attendants here who have run into the problem of passengers viewing unsuitable material on their laptops? How did you deal with the problem? I find it hard to imagine that a passenger would have that degree of "idiocracy" and lack-of-class.

But then again, this IS the new millennium! :eek:


14th Oct 2008, 12:55
Iv never noticed passengers watching porn on their laptops but I have had once incident with a passenger who was...um...pleasuring himself to a porno mag with another passengers two kids sitting across the aisle from him! :uhoh:

14th Oct 2008, 13:34
Believe me, it happens more often than you think. I can recall at least 4 times I've had to confiscate porno dvds from pax who refused to stop watching them.

Lack of class??? Yep, you got it in one.

16th Oct 2008, 01:19
Iv never noticed passengers watching porn on their laptops but I have had once incident with a passenger who was...um...pleasuring himself to a porno mag with another passengers two kids sitting across the aisle from him!

That would be totally unacceptable, especially with little children within sight. Had you considered having him met by the authorities when the plane arrived at its destination? Sounds to me like he could have easily been charged with lewd conduct or indecent exposure.

On a related topic, showing how our society is gradually going into the loo, there's a cute movie that deals with this issue. A man takes a trip 500 years into the future and sees how things have deteriorated and been "dumbed down," a direct result of the stupidest people producing the most offspring.

What's scary is that, even though the movie is supposed to take place 500 years in the future, I can see lots of evidence of it occuring already! :eek:

Highly recommended. Rent it if you get the chance! :)

Idiocracy (2006) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/)


16th Oct 2008, 09:57
It's already started !! about 25 years ago.:sad:

22nd Oct 2008, 15:49
I previously posed the following question:

Are there any flight attendants here who have run into the problem of passengers viewing unsuitable material on their laptops?

For those of you who answered in the affirmative, I suppose, at that juncture, you could have advised the passenger to cease loitering around your galley / jumpseat area; to, further, cease looking over your shoulder at your laptop, and to follow your suggestion that they immediately return to their seat! :ok: