View Full Version : "Zero to FO" book

13th Oct 2008, 10:57
I remember seeing this book mentioned a couple of times before as a good reference source. However I have been unable to find it anywhere. Any ideas where I may be able to get a copy?


Celtic Pilot
13th Oct 2008, 11:24


13th Oct 2008, 13:32
Amazon.co.uk: To be an Airline Pilot (To Be a): Andrew Cook: Books (http://www.amazon.co.uk/be-Airline-Pilot-Be/dp/1861268653)

The link above is to a book that i've read.
Its about the author, and his time from zero to the completion of his IR at Flight Training Europe in Jerez. Its an ok read, gives you a good idea of each of the 14 ATPL ground exams and subject content, and examples of what to expect when carrying out your CPL and IR training.
If I remember correctly it also gives you a bit of information about CV techniques and ideas for getting that first job


13th Oct 2008, 14:25
I think that flightstore and transair both hold that book too. Flightstore has a sale on books this week so it might be worth cheking there.