View Full Version : Tips for RAAF interview

12th Oct 2008, 22:44
Hey guys,

I've got my Psychology interview and medical coming up with Defence Recruiting and was wondering if any body out there can give me some pointers

I've asked a few people I know that have been through it and it sounds like they just expose any weakness you have and the hammer home on it.

That's fine as I know what most of my weaknesses are so I'm ready for the questions but any advice at this point would be great.


13th Oct 2008, 00:24
DISCLAIMER: I did mine in 2004, and I was a serving Army reservist at the time (as well as being 41 years old) so my experience may have been different to others who've done this more recently.

From what I remember, the psych interview wasn't too onerous. It's not so much that they want to "hammer on any weakness"; it's more that they want to know how you think.

You will be asked to do the standard ADF psych questionnaire (with questions such as "When you are in high places, do you feel like jumping off" or "Do you hear voices in your head"). You may be asked to clarify some of your answers to that, and you'll be asked other questions that will be intended to confirm/deny your responses to the psych questionnaire.

You'll be asked about your lifestyle, partner, family background, etc. A lot of this is so that the psych can get an idea of how much thought you've put into the lifestyle choice that you're about to embark upon. That is, are you and your family prepared for your absence during your training, and is your family prepared to move around the country for you.

You'll be asked about your "substance" habits. i.e. do you smoke, drink, or have you EVER taken any illicit substances. If you drink, you'll be asked how much, and whether you drink in response to outside influences (e.g family tragedy).

Top Tip: DON'T LIE! You'll be caught out in a lie very quickly! Be absolutely honest in your answers. Also, there is no rush in this so "engage brain before mouth".

Your interview at Tamworth will be very different! I wont go into the details, but you will be put under the microscope. The best advice I can give is this: Know yourself, know your own motivations, and know how to express yourself. (Also, see Top Tip, above).

Good luck with it.


13th Oct 2008, 00:25
As for your medical ... that will take care of itself

As for the Psych tests ... well, you can't really study for that.

Be yourself
Be honest ... if a "weakness" is poiinted out to you, perhaps describe how you either work around it .. or are working to improve in that area (if that is possible and appropriate)

psycho joe
13th Oct 2008, 01:15
The previous posts are pretty much spot on, the purpose of this interview is not to get you, but to get to know you. The only thing that I’d add is:

KNOW YOURSELF...I'd suggest doing some online psych tests like Myers Briggs. That will give you a comprehensive report on your personality type with regard to strengths weaknesses etc. i.e. are you ISTJ or ESTJ etc. Most psyches tend to be Feeling Perceiving people, so that gives you an idea of their thinking. Having said that don't announce what your psych profile is unless you happen to have a psych degree to back it up, or else you'll look arrogant/foolish.

KNOW YOUR REASONS FOR JOINING....You will have to write a short essay to that effect, so have something planned as you don't have long to think about it on the day.

KNOW THE ADF....Know the qualities of a leader (Officer), Bases, aircraft types, Training timelines and locations, Hours accrued on each aircraft type during training, know your ROSO for your avenue of entry, FEG's, Head of Army, Navy, Air force, Defence Minister etc.

PRESENT MATURITY...This is a big one. You are entering an ultra conservative organisation steeped in tradition. WEAR A SUIT!!! by that I mean a suit tailored to fit you, not a borrowed suit or a Lowes special, also iron your shirt wear a tie and wear cufflinks. (It sounds obvious but you'd be amazed). Get a conservative haircut, but don't shave your head (unless you're bald). Be prepared for questions about how you'd handle conflict i.e. someone shouting at you, as well as how you see yourself having to kill someone.

This is by no means exhaustive, but if you follow these four simple rules then you'll make the psyche’s job a lot easier, thereby making your job a lot easier.

13th Oct 2008, 02:51
Thanks for all your help guys. Joe you really sound like you know what you're on about the bit that worries me the most is remembering all the details about the different air craft and where all the training is done etc.

Thanks for the heads up about the essay! I had no idea that was coming. Great to know about how they want you to dress. I wasn't sure if it was wise to go all out or if they'd want you in just a shirt and tie.

Once again thanks to all that post here, any more advice to offer I'm all ears.

One other thing...

I was wondering if there was some where that one could practice those hands on computer tests. I've never been in to computer games so it was all new to me when I got in there. I think guys like myself are some what at a disadvantage unless they can find some where to practice.

Chatting with the younger guys (after the test) that play plenty of computer games it seems this helped them a lot. Any way that's just to help others who are at the previous stage of their application!

13th Oct 2008, 06:57
Its not set up like a game, its more like a set of questions... like what you would have done for your Learners or Provisional Driver permits, basically click the right circle kind of thing....

Some basic Maths (Trig etc), and some visual sort of things "what comes next" sort of thing