View Full Version : Spare time and expensive calls home!

12th Oct 2008, 16:45
Hey guys and gals,

Anyone got any helpful ideas on how to make the time pass more quickly whilst waiting for a call to go flying?

Any good ways to make some extra cash via the net etc.?

More importantly, what is the best way other than skype to be able to make cheap calls via a mobile back to the UK from Eastern Europe and Europe. It is costing me a small fortune to make and receive calls at the moment. Any ideas or information regarding sim cards, mobile internet etc. would be greatly appreciated!



12th Oct 2008, 17:15
If you have a computer then down load yahoo messenger. If you use yahoo messenger computer to computer you can talk all day for free, provided both computers are connected to the Internet, of course.

I have saved the price of a laptop and desk top using this system.

Spam Up
12th Oct 2008, 17:25
Hello BJJ

You could get your other half to call you on a local mobile or in your hotel using the site below !

Telediscount: low cost international calls - from any UK-Phone (http://www.telediscount.co.uk/index2.php)

Online day trading for making cash if you got plenty of spare time & cash, as the market is on its @rse just now, some may say that now is a good time to get in !!

Purchase a penny whistle and play it for people at the front of the airport, all those people trying to get rid of the local coins................ you will be minted in no time !!!!!!!!!!!!


12th Oct 2008, 23:34
Maybe I am stating the obvious but have you tried Skype?

13th Oct 2008, 05:03
Calling card or skype. I use skype. They just introduced a new plan for unlimited calls for a low price. The obvious limitation is the need for an internet connection, but then to make a phone call you need a phone connection, too.

What to do to stay busy? I find studying the airplane and readng a good book seem to fill up all my spare time.

13th Oct 2008, 10:06
Yeah apart from SKYPE...Tends to be the case that i don't always have internet connections. Wanted some ideas about international sim cards and mobile internet. Any companies people can recommend?

kuchemann carrots
13th Oct 2008, 14:36
I have a pre paid sim card through sim4travel. Its a UK number, and they don't charge you to receive calls in a lot of countries. It still costs to call back home, about 25p/min I think, but a quick text to the Mrs, and then she calls me back using her inclusive minutes.

13th Oct 2008, 18:04
Has anyone got an answer to Bizjetjockey first question??

Its soooo quiet at the moment and whilst waiting for the call to go flying from my company I am :ugh: (banging my head) as I want to work (not necessarily) in aviation but in any other field to fill my spare time and earn some extra cash. I was thinking of selling my soul but realised I can't do this twice.... ;)

I have looked at sales, office work, distributing leaflets, driving jobs (which you sometimes need a pcv Licence for), setting my own business up (which I haven't the money to do due to this credit crunch!!) and becoming a pimp but haven't been able to get work in any of these fields as I can't guarantee what days I can work.!!! I haven't an instructors rating so please don't suggest instruct!!!

I have exhausted all the people I know with their own business (well all 3 of them - sad, huh!) so other than studying my aircraft on a daily basis, going to the gym, mowing the lawn, going shopping and acting like a house husband for my wife - I am not too sure what else to do with my time.

All my friends think I am mad.. They're all office workers working 9-9pm hating their lives/jobs and they would kill to be in my shoes i.e. being paid to not work but I suppose we all want something we haven't got. I just want to work and earn loads of dosh!! Not sit on my ass or go and play golf in the cold...

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

If you need me to type up your Pprune messages for a cost I'll only charge £5 a go!?

Have a nice day!

18th Oct 2008, 07:32

I use Vodafone passport - 75p for calls up to an hour anywhere in Europe... Quite good if you make a few long calls, but no good if you make masses of short calls, such as "the pax are coming out, see you in 3mins", or such like. Our company tried it with all the captain's mobiles, but it worked out more expensive that way. Of course, you have to pay 75p for the incomings as well, but we can claim this back in expenses... Seems a useful system for personal calls though.

Hope of help.

18th Oct 2008, 10:34
Thought about buying an xbox360?
Get into cycling (with mobile phone in your pocket)

As for work where you can't guarantee the days you can work because of the nature of flying, then try some sort of commission based job, because of course, they aren't paying you when you don't sell something!