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View Full Version : White is the new black..

8th Oct 2008, 21:04
On a recent trip, I suffered a particularly high level of abuse from a small number of hateful cabin crew about my skin colour.

On a nice sunny day out I was subject to a barrage of persistent abuse, quips and jokes at my expense because I am 'too' white.

Being white you may find this strange. Well not at all. It seems that because I do not conform to the 'normal' and 'perfect tan' crew member look, and because I can't get a bronze tan I was open to some very insulting abuse.

My skin colour is of course something that I cannot change, and find it incredible that is seems 'ok' to hurl insults about my skin colour, when they wouldn't do it if I were black, or Asian, as that would be deemed as unacceptable/taboo in this day and age.

I know how the black civil rights movement changed people’s views of racial abuse, but why are people who cannot get a 'normal' tan subject to the same sort of abuse, and have to suffer in silence.

I bet a black or Asian person at work subject to the same abuse as I have put up with about their skin colour would be filing law suits against these ignorant people for racial abuse! But it's ok if the person is white..:=


8th Oct 2008, 21:33
I think you're bored... very very bored... and looking for mischief to brighten a boring day.