View Full Version : Psion 5?Virgin.net

Hang On, I'm Busy
19th May 2000, 05:18
Anyone use a Psion5 and a oblie (SH888) collecting emails on the hoof?

Do you use V-net?

If so, pls tell me how you got it to work. I got a v-net account a few months ago (incidentally, it is now an 0800 number for £15pm - see ISP thread) and I can't get it to work with the Psion. On Freeserve it was OK - worked with PC and Psion fine. With V-net I have to fwd everything to my old FS account to collect it from said Psion. So I've got copies & fwds flying everywhere and I can't use the free number with the mobile.

I've tried everything with the menus on the Psion, copied all teh settings from the PC, got the DNS, everything. Virgin helline friendly but clueless. Psion helpline unobtainable & £1 per minute.

Any ideas?

Sorry to be a bore.

23rd May 2000, 15:57
First post on any subject! So here goes.
I've been using a Psion for many years, primarily as a database for airfields (over 200) for all that 'useful info' o/nights, restaurants etc, that's not in official pubs, plus planning data for the different A/C I fly. Recently I upgraded to a 5mx - good piece of kit! and together with a Nokia 7110 I have just got on-line, my ISP is also Virgin, to get met etc in obscure places. It may be significant that you should have a WAP phone as my previous 6110 did not work, at least I couldn't get it to work - could be that the relevant software was not installed. All the software was preloaded onto the 5mx and after initial confusion and a call to Nokia Data Suite on +44990134458, very helpful, and gave me the setup details for the Psion as we spoke and hey presto it worked. I still can't get my Hotmail E-mails yet - still working on that.
If you need any further info, I'll try to help.