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View Full Version : BT Anytime 10 min disconnect why ?

7th Sep 2001, 02:26
I use BT Anytime & Home Highway. Now i knew when i signed up that i would get booted off after 2 hours continuous use, which i'm willing to accept, however i have been finding that I have been getting disconnected even when i believe the system is in use, for example when writing posts like this one, or on other internet forums which i frequent, I press the 'submit' or 'post new topic' button etc only to find that if i have taken a bit of time to write my piece my dial up thingy springs into life as i've been disconnected, and i have to reconnect. Does anybody else use the same ISP as me, and do you get the same probs ? are there any settings i can adjust on my system to prevent this from happening. It is not a major issue as i can connect as many times as i want with anytime it is just a bit annoying.It seems to me that if i am not using my mouse clicking on things or surfing every 10 minutes this happens.I would have thought that writing something on a forum such as what i'm doing right now would be classed by my computer/ISP as being 'in use' Thanks for any replies in advance.

SLF 999
7th Sep 2001, 12:28
First and easiest things to check are the modem properties in the connection tab there is an option to disconnect if idle for xx minutes, you can either uncheck the box or change the time, personally I would change the time period to maybe 20 min and see how it goes. Also in Outlook there is an option to disconnect after sending and receiving mail, make sure that this is not checked
Let us know what happens

7th Sep 2001, 12:35
This is just a guess, but I suggest your ISP has a ten minute "idle cut-off". You should be able to read about it in their Terms and Conditions, usually available via their Home page. Most ISPs impose something similar, the ISP I use has a 20 minute idle cut. If your modem is not actually "talking" to the server, then it is deemed to be idle, and is disconnected after the specified period, to reduce the load. There are some ways to "beat the system", but beware, it might be seen as abuse by your ISP, and subsequent disconnection could be rather more permanent!

[ 07 September 2001: Message edited by: spekesoftly ]

PPRuNe Pop
7th Sep 2001, 14:22
I used to get that too. But I am with NTL now and it only happens on OE (as though it knows! :eek :)

A little trick I use to keep the line open is to open the browser as well. It never happens when both are open. On NTL anyway.

7th Sep 2001, 14:42
If all else fails, set Outlook Express to check for mail every five minutes!

7th Sep 2001, 16:21
They're constantly mucking about with the Anytime connections and I have got considerable mileage from the Emergency Anytime number - 0800 5879089 - that a PPRuNer published here a little while ago. I recommend it to anyone who has trouble with the 0808 number.

I have most trouble connecting in the first place but if I get a solid connect it usually stays that way until I log off.

There was a news item recently about a gang of villians who had stolen the entire set of BT reserve Servers to export the hardware - particularly motherboards and processors - to embargoed countries such as Iraq. Other major companies had also suffered similar losses.

I bet part of the BT Internet problems stemmed from that loss alothough they have never owned up to it.

7th Sep 2001, 23:31
Thanx guys i,m off to work now but i'll try some of the 'less dodgy ' solutions. Like i said its not major just mildly irritating.

7th Sep 2001, 23:53
I'm having the same problems with BT Anytime and am on the point of e-mailing them to complain. I'm paying for a service I frequently can't access (constant "engaged" tone) and I'm frequently booted off (usually when I'm posting on PPRuNe). It's beconing too irritating to tolerate. I rarely had problems with the old BT "Evenings and Weekends" package.

8th Sep 2001, 11:32
Suggestion for KP, SP2 and Tee. If you get really hacked off with BT, you might like to consider One.Tel's new unlimited plan. I don't want this to sound too much like a sales pitch, but I have been using it for the past couple of months, and I am reasonably satisfied. As mentioned in my earlier post, the idle cut-off period is 20 minutes, usually long enough for even my slow typing! You get a warning just before the cut-off, and can click "yes" to stay on line. You can also stay on line for 4hrs at a time, and then reconnect straight after. Price has recently been reduced to £12.99 per month, with no minimum contract period.

After this plug, I reckon they owe me a freebie! :)

[ 08 September 2001: Message edited by: spekesoftly ]

10th Sep 2001, 22:06
Whilst I too get kicked off on BT's Anytime, it is not at a fixed interval. Thus check your 'Dialing Properties' either under Tools/Internet Options/Connections/Settings/Properties. There you might find a box ticked that defaults you to disconnect at 20 mins. Make sure the box is unticked.

Or you can reach the same box through Control Panel/ Dial up networking.

14th Sep 2001, 13:40
The specific idle cut-off mentioned in my previous posts is independent of any computer settings, and is triggered by those ISPs that have this function. This is just to clarify my suggestion, and does not contradict the other possible solutions. :)

[ 14 September 2001: Message edited by: spekesoftly ]