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6th Sep 2001, 22:32
Sorry if this has come up before.

I've worked out how to calculate flying hours from a take off and land time (24 minus Take off plus Landing)

But when trying to total up the flying hours, after 24 hours, it goes back to 00:00

How do you get Excel to total up your flying hours?

7th Sep 2001, 01:52
Sum(beginning cell to end cell)
e.g. =SUM(L837:L873)

I hope it helps :)

Lurk R
7th Sep 2001, 09:24
It sounds like the format of the cell where your total is located appears as time format, i.e. maximum of 23:59

Maybe you need to look at the format of that cell???

Just a punt...

Pigs Might Fly
8th Sep 2001, 21:24
If you create a custom format with the format [h]:mm this will allow hours display over 23 hours.

I have my own logbook on Excel and it seems to work fine.

11th Sep 2001, 02:43
Ibis & Lurk R

Thankyou for your help, but I'm already at this stage

Pigs might fly

I thought I'd almost cracked it with your help, but no. I can add up hours with your method, but adding up hours that have already been part of a former calculation (ie Take off & Land times) - it won't work for me. Could you perhaps e mail me, attaching a blank part of your log, complete with formulas?
