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View Full Version : Red Arrows 1975 - Go with Noakes

Brain Potter
6th Oct 2008, 14:18
A great bit of nostalgia from the BBC archive, currently available as part of "Aerial Journeys" on iPlayer.

BBC - Archive - Aerial Journeys - Go With Noakes - The Red Arrows (http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/aerialjourneys/5328.shtml?all=2&id=5328)

This little film struck me as treating it's school-age viewers far more intelligently than would be the case with a modern equivalent. It was also good to see that groundcrew were also featured in the show.

Notice that the Reds were wearing blues for the simulator and the debrief :}

6th Oct 2008, 14:59
"i've got a little confession to make..." <passes sick bag>



6th Oct 2008, 15:35
Aah, nostalgia. What a great series that was. I remember watching this episode as a very young girl and thinking I‘m going to do that one day. Who was I kidding! I would do almost anything to experience the thrill of a fast jet ride and am experiencing a little green eyed monster mist at the moment, as I now know it isn’t ever going to happen. Why?, well I’m too old to join the RAF and learn, not famous at all and able to get a free flight just because I’m a celebrity and I certainly haven’t got enough money to buy myself a seat! Oh to be young again and dream! Adult life is too harsh by far :{ Suppose I'll have to be content watching clips like this!

Guzlin Adnams
6th Oct 2008, 20:45
:ok:That was so good. Didn't realise JN served. Just think, I could have been phoning the local authority to pay my council tax instead..... sod em.
Thanks for this.

6th Oct 2008, 21:24
Amongst the list of other video clips is Free Fall Record Breakers (http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/aerialjourneys/5340.shtml?all=2&id=5340) very poignant as Janet Ellis is taught to parachute by Sgt Nigel Rogoff...

The Equivocator
6th Oct 2008, 22:00
Great to watch, but made me wonder?

1. Do the formation changes look a little quicker than the way the current Reds do it? They also (I think) look a little more ragged than the current set during the changes.

2. Ditto the roll rates. Do the formation changes look a little bit quicker than the Hawk version?

3. What did Dicky Duckett(?) do post the Reds? I seem to recall his face from BFTS, EFT or such. Maybe a groundschool instructor at BFT Cranditz?

Just curious?

6th Oct 2008, 22:40
OC 1 Sqn Harriers then Station Commander Benson (Queen's Flight) - with boring staff jobs in between:).

Now retired and looking well and an accomplished 'bird' photographer (Google?) - no. not those................... I see him yearly.

Captain Airclues
6th Oct 2008, 22:58
Which position were you flying in that display BOAC?


7th Oct 2008, 07:42
I'd need to re-view the footage before I admit to anything:)

Footage reviewed and I'll admit to No 2 and a fast growing hairy lip:p

A touch of sadness seeing the walking talking Bob Eccles who sadly died a few years back.

7th Oct 2008, 11:47
Long time ago, probably around 1995, Adrian Rondel, the RAF News reporter at the time, did an interview with John Noakes about his time in the RAF. If I recall correctly, he was something of a joker who, as an SAC or LAC, used to enjoy flouting authority. :D

Old Ned
7th Oct 2008, 14:21
Brain P. VMT for the trip down memory lane. Good to see Brian Hoskins, who led the team a few years later. Have heard it said he was the best display pilot and leader.....ever. Met him again a few years back at RIAT. He retired a gp capt and remains as approachable and nice as ever.

Pip pip


7th Oct 2008, 14:40
Notice that the Reds were wearing blues for the simulator and the debrief - first bit filmed pre-season, second mid-season, hence the instant 'tache:)

8th Oct 2008, 08:50
Whilst I can't see the round neck woolley pully ever coming back into fashion what about 2-tone brown with white roofs for the Hercs as a new paint job?

Apart from the Herc did anyone spot any kit or people still in service? apart from LOO RW or twr.

8th Oct 2008, 08:51
Excellent series - particularly impressive air-to-air camera-work, given the technology the Beeb would have using back then. Flying wasn't bad either :ok: