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View Full Version : What should I be paying for Internet access?

13th Aug 2000, 22:46
Bought the computer and got myself onto the Internet via btclick.com (talk21.com e-mail address). I pay the local call charge applicable to the time of day, but no other charges. At the moment, I need access to the Internet during peak times as well as evenings and weekends.

I'm new to all this and know NOTHING about it, but I do know that my first 'phone bill was larger than I wanted it to be. I know that it's possible to pay a monthly charge to use a freephone number. What's the best kind of deal to go for?

Can anyone help a total and utter novice?

Thanks in advance.

[This message has been edited by Adamant (edited 13 August 2000).]

13th Aug 2000, 23:34
Your basic problem is an archaic telephone system that charges by the minute even on local calls and you put up with it. If you don't get that changed you will pay much and lag behind - nationally speaking- on the net.

Gentleman Aviator
14th Aug 2000, 00:50

I'm with onetel : www.onetel.co.uk (http://www.onetel.co.uk) . They charge 1p per minute 24hrs a day, every day, 365 days per year.
Don't have to change your telecom provider. Access speed is top-notch.

Couldn't recommend them highly enough.

Cheers, GA

14th Aug 2000, 02:21
Thanks GA, I'll give them a try.

14th Aug 2000, 03:39

10 quid pm that gives 24/7 access to a freephone number.

You also get 10 quid worth of phone calls.

Download rate slightly faster than what I was achieving with either Virgin or Freeserve

Can check phone call account via the internet. Not any different to BT but still handy.

ntl: send you an email giving ~10 days notice of the forthcoming direct debit payment they're about to transact.


The 10 quid worth of calls is at ntl: rates - roughly 1p p/min less than BT but PLUS a 3.5p connection fee.

Automatically charged for a once-only 10 quid interface box for your phone line. Arrives within a few days of registering.

Takes bloody ages for the sign up CD-ROM to arrive. Apparently ntl: are limiting the sign up rate to ensure their system can cope.

Difficult (but not impossible!) to sign up without having the CD-ROM installation routine tromp all over your perfectly satisfactory system setup.


I'm happy with them

400 Hertz
14th Aug 2000, 11:34
Try http://net4nowt.com/unmetered/index.htm as this is where you can get the gen on all the freebie ISP's (UK).

I have just started with Ezesurf (who are Dundee based). Cost is £39 one off charge and 24/7 free (0808) access to the server. They have not charged me yet (don't tell them) and I've been online about a month. The word is that they are about to fold over the next few weeks, but nothing from them to me just yet.

Just remember: you get nowt for nowt!

400 Hertz but DC is easy

Buffy Summers
15th Aug 2000, 01:13
Or...you can also get Surftime from BT, £20 month, no internet phone bill. All internet calls, peak and off peak are then free. Min sign up is 3 months. Might be worth doing whilst you get used to the net and check out the other free operators.

19th Aug 2000, 11:54
I signed up with RedHotAnt. For £50 I get unmetered, free 24/7 access for 1 year and next year I will pay £20! They have have had problems with connection but are working to resolve the issues. If you need urgent access to the net every time then avoid RHA however, if you don't mind waiting a few attemps to log on then go for it. I use Lineone or Dellnet if RHA is busy and I'm in a rush.
I have been with RHA about 4 months with no major snags and have easily recovered my fee :)

19th Aug 2000, 19:45
Try http://www.thefreeinternet.com/ it costs £50 per year inc vat, sign up online instantly (download their software). Seems quite fast, 24/7 free (0800 number), has a few limitations (read their FAQ's eg no streaming), sometimes takes a few tries to connect but no major glitches so far. Quite popular with my colleagues in the Isle of Man (Fraggle Rock) too (where they cannot take advantage of other phone providers but are bound to Manx Telecom!!) :)

[This message has been edited by pilot999 (edited 19 August 2000).]

20th Aug 2000, 10:20
I am on Freeserve Time; 24/7 access for £10 per month, with a phone gizmo to connect you to their network for non-local calls.In effect the first £10 of phone calls is free, as you have already paid for it. It takes forever to get on to Freeserve Time as they are rationing new customers. Once I got on I had a modem line installed, but Freeserve did not recognise my caller ID. It took over two months, and many lies from their operators before I was finally connected.
It seems a bit slow at times, but at least I have my costs under control.

20th Aug 2000, 12:33
I'm on thefreeinternet as well, takes a few tries to get connected except at very off peak times, needs a v90 modem for ace connection but other than that, no complaints-certainly cuts the bills!