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View Full Version : PPRUNE page not available

Vortex Wake
11th Aug 2000, 03:33
PPRUNE was unavailable to me for the last 4 days-showing only "this page cannot be displayed" having tried at various times and servers. I see that there are posts for the period I couldn't get on so this is why I ask. Did anyone else have the same problem.Computer worked for all other sites.

11th Aug 2000, 04:32
Negative on that problem.

12th Aug 2000, 00:40
Vortex Wake, have the same problem on my home machine, not on the laptop.
Since I am downroute I had no time to investigate. Cleared the cache, cleared the history, all to no avail.
Keep you posted if I am successful....

12th Aug 2000, 21:57
VW -check that your ISP has been updated with the new IP address for PPRuNe -although the DNS is still the same the IP address has changed after the move to the new server and it seems that some ISPs have yet to catch up. I had the same problem for over 2 weeks with Cable & Wireless Lite and also Onetel - both of which I use depending one time of day/ week / cost. In the end I got fed up as despite e-mails and promises to 'look into it' neither ISP has sorted it out - so I signed up another account with Freeserve which for now I just use for 'Ppruning'. This goes against the grain as I despise Dixons and everything they stand for (their business practices suck) - so much for my principles.
Anyway - try another ISP and see how you get on.

13th Aug 2000, 00:00
Agree on all the problems with pprune.com, but found that pprune.org worked OK.

But its all sorted now with pprune.com. I am with btinternet and they now find either site without difficulty. Danny had a post in R&N that indicted that it was a temporary hardware problem.

Go for it

Vortex Wake
13th Aug 2000, 01:56
PPRUNE is now available for me consistantly again! :) :)

16th Aug 2000, 00:12
Got it sorted. If anyone is interested, I have a little program installed which retrieves IP addresses (the real server addresses, not pprune or anything else) and uses them to access the net. This makes surfing the favorites faster.
Collecting the real IP addresses is one of the highlights (and in this case the downside) of MODEM WIZARD.
A new retrieval (which should be done every 30 days....) solved all the problems.