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View Full Version : Spitfire ride wanted

29th Sep 2008, 10:05
Does anyone have details of private spitfire rides within the UK? I'm trying to sort out a birthday present and having diifficulty tracking one down. Would be very grateful for a steer.

29th Sep 2008, 10:31
There is only a handful of 2-seater Spitfires in the world, and just three of these are flying in the UK. In addition, to be able to offer trial lessons, any aircraft must have a public category licence, and the instructor too must be licensed to take paying passengers. Presently these two conditions are not met for any Spitfire in the UK. So, unfortunately, the chances of arranging a flight in a Spitfire are pretty slim. However it is possible to arrange solo displays for individuals; for more information see the Grace Spitfire website or Anthony Hodgson's PT462 website. The third 2-seat Spitfire is based at East Kirkby and owned by a private collector; it too is occasionally flown at displays.

29th Sep 2008, 11:46
Actually five in the UK now, Historic Flying have one (G-CCCA) flying at Duxford and the G2 Trust recently re-imported the famous 2 seat prototype G-AIDN which I think is currently being spruced up prior to starting her new life here.

29th Sep 2008, 15:26
Try using the Search function, to obtain the thread titled "Spitfire Flight", around 10th/14th August 2008.

5 Greens
29th Sep 2008, 19:41
A friend of mine had a flight in the Grace Spitfire, last weekend. His family booked it 5 years ago! A VERY VERY long waiting list!