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26th Aug 2001, 00:00
It was my understanding that it is possible to use PC133 memory running on a FSB of 100mhz. I had 256mb in 128/64/64 DIMMS, usinf FSB of 100mhz. Decided to replace one of the 64mb DIMMS with a 256mb pc133 DIMM as memory is cheap at the moment with a view to CPU upgrade later (using 133 FSB). I'm not sure if the memory is duff or what but on installing it the post memory test gave correct MB's but instead of booting to W98se it came up with a screen about a registry problem anmd was loading a logged something or other (from memory as I tried installing it the day before I went on 2 weeks holiday. I tried every combination in different dimms and on it's own with still the same result. I have just finished reinstalling lots of software as W98 had gone to some config from a long time ago so a lot of things updated/upgraded didn't work.
Motherboard is an ABIT BE6-11 with P3 600 running at FSB 100 x6 (not clocked).
Anybody any ideas as to what could be wrong or will it just not work?????? :confused:

tony draper
26th Aug 2001, 00:11
Is it possible to run fsb at 133mgz on the abit, and set the multiplier to 4.5?
I have had 100mgz memory running at 66mgz ok in the past.

PPRuNe Pop
26th Aug 2001, 01:11
Well there's a funny thing. I have put a new motherboard in today with an 850mhz Celeron CPU and I upgraded my Ram to 512mb. I had to use a mix of 128mb/60mhz 128/100mhz and a 256/133mhz, this in on a ABIT VH6-2 board and the combinations and adjustments you can make are amazing so it caused no problems when I set everything at 100mhz. The speed that PPRuNe opens now is just great.

As TD says, you can adjust the multiplier in CMOS. Something I had never come across before.

Another interesting thing is that on this board it is safe to overclock the new CPU and get it to run at over 1gb. I'll wait awhile for that - till I get some courage!


Brit Abroad
26th Aug 2001, 01:35
I too have been doing a RAM upgrade recently.

133 Mhz RAM will work on 100 Mhz FSB, but it (the RAM) will only run at 100 Mhz.

My advice:

- Reseat the RAM very carefully just to be sure.
- Check the manual to ensure the DIMM will take a 256 Mb stick.
- Is the memory stick parity / ECC ? What about the others ? The 2 cannot be mixed.
- Check the bios. There are many bios settings for tweaking RAM. Settings to check are CLS (latency : usually either 2 or 3)

Also, in the bios, see if you have a RAM speed setting. If so, set it to 100 Mhz

To be honest, the symptoms you describe don't sound memory related to me.

Have you made any other system changes recently ?

Do the problems go away if you remove the new RAM stick ?

If you get really stuck, try asking some of the guys on this forum:

They know what they're talking about and will help you if you give them as much info as possible.

I had some problems recently due to my PC and processor in particular getting too hot. They really helped me out.

Good luck

tony draper
26th Aug 2001, 01:59
You will have to look into some improved cooling for the CPU if you intend to overclock Mr PP. ;)
Have a mate who has o/c a p3 500 to 960, and it was stable, couldn't quite get it to 1 gig
but as I said you need some serious cooling for that.

PPRuNe Pop
26th Aug 2001, 11:37
Fair point Tony.

However, the claim apparently shows that the core temp remains vitually the same. 1.74 to 1.75 - not much of a change.

But I am not sure I would want to do it, the speed I am going at now is marvellous! :D

tony draper
26th Aug 2001, 12:01
Serious hobby in its on right overclocking Mr P.
Some of those people have water coolers or cryogenic units round their cpu's.
Lots of websites devoted to how to overclock without frying your chip.
Try this one. www.overclockers.com (http://www.overclockers.com) ;)
good luck

26th Aug 2001, 18:37
Brit Abroad, I tried the 133 memory in all 3 slots, on it's own and with the other pc100 memory. The same thing kept happening. I set the the fsb at 100 so as not to fry anything. Yes it should take 256 in a DIMM, I set the BIOS to ECC and Non ECC just in case still no joy. I'll give the suppliers a ring on Tuesday. Bit reluctant to try it again as I'm still trying to get all my applications up and running again. :confused:

Sid and Coke
27th Aug 2001, 02:51
As a slight aside i see what you mean about the prices. I bought 256 mb ram from www.crucial.com (http://www.crucial.com) on 27 feb at £70, after seeing this thread i checked it out and its down to £25 same Pt No its just not fair, why didn't i wait? :(

27th Aug 2001, 16:42
After some trawling I found some info that may be of interest to all :
Warning about 256MB PC133 SDRAM modules :

Todays market offers 256mb PC133 SDRAM modules built from 256Mbit chips, which are incompatable with the boards on some older chipsets. These modules are built with 8 chips (in case of no ECC support) and 9 chips (in case ECC is supported).
To the chipsets, which are unable to work with these 256mb modules:
Via Apollo Pro 133 and older VIA chipsets:
Intel BX, LX, EX and i810.These modules are supported without any trouble by:
VIA Apollo Pro 133A and newer solutions; All AMD chipsets from AMD, VIA, SiS, and ALi (except Asus K7V) Intel 810E and Intel 820E2 and entire Intel 815 family.As my motherboard the Abit BE6-11 is based on the Intel BX chipset I can only presume that's why it won't work. Shame they don't give a warning before you buy it, I shall be taking this up with the suppliers tomorrow. :mad:

Brit Abroad
27th Aug 2001, 21:01
Yeah, that's a real pain in the arse.

My motherboard has the intel 440LX chipset and its documentation says it accepts 256 MB SDRAM.

Is it just the 133 Mhz flavour which is not supported ?

Where did you find this info ? Sounds like a good source.

Cheers and good luck.

28th Aug 2001, 17:48
From what I read only if it is 256Mbitchips. Found it at Xbit labs (http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/story.html?id=990129125)through an Abit forum (http://fae.abit.com.tw/eng/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum&f=5).
Called the supplier who knew what I was going to say and the will test it and replace it if broken or if incompatable for a different branded SDRAM. :eek: