View Full Version : Cabin Temp for Pax Medicine

28th Sep 2008, 11:33
Good Afternoon,

I have a pax question on behalf of my partners mother. I apologise if this is the wrong forum for this, and if it is, please could you point me in the right direction!

She suffers from MS and is flying with Singapore Airlines to Australia in November with a refuel stop in Singapore.

She needs to take specific medicine in her cabin luggage - injections which need to be kept below 25 degrees Celcius.

Can anyone give me an idea of ambient cabin temp or will this long haul flight cause any problems for the medicine? If the cabin temp would possibly be too high, could anyone suggest a solution to this?

Many thanks


28th Sep 2008, 11:59
Cabin temp on our (UK) airline is recommended at 21degC.

Knowing what it can be like in Singapore that might well get exceeded.

Ask the cabin crew to store it somewhere cool, explaining what it is. :ok:

28th Sep 2008, 12:44
There are some special travel packs available to keep medicines cool during travel. Usualy used for diabetics n such. See you pharmacy for more information. These will also help keep the medicines cool while traavelling to and from hotels as well.

29th Sep 2008, 07:50
Ask the quack to contact the manufacturers (the numbers in the back of his BNF).

The medical departments are usually very helpful- there could well be some lattitude on the temperature range.

1st Oct 2008, 19:02
SIA usually try to maintain a cabin temp. of approx. 23 deg C during flight, however, your relative will have to change aircraft in Singapore and that's where her medicine may be subjected to temps exceeding 25 deg C. Check with the manufacturer about temp. variation allowances. Be careful about asking Cabin Crew to store medicine - they may inadvertently 'freeze it'!

2nd Oct 2008, 17:48
In my airline cabin crew are not allowed to look after or cool any medicines for legal reasons but they will provide a carrier bag with ice in on request.